- 改良TRIzolimproved TRIzol method
- 改良improve
- Trizol法Trizol method
- 改良的improved
- TRIZOL試劑法TRIZOL method
- 改進(jìn)的Trizol法Improved Trizol method
- 用TRIzol試劑一步法提取甜菜花蕾中的總RNA A method for extraction of total RNA from the buds of sugar beet using TRIzol reagent
- 改良劑modifying agent
- 方法 Trizol法抽提組織總RNA并純化mRNA ;Method The total RNAs were isolated from the tissues by Trizol and mRNA was purified by Midi Kit.
- 他主張改良監獄制度。He advocates reforming the prison system.
- 土壤改良soil improvement
- 用Trizol一步法提取總RNA,A260/A280均在1.8-2.0之間.Total RNA was abstracted from zebrafish livers with Trizol reagent, and its ratio of A260/A280 was between 1.8 and 2.0. Using RNA as a template, we conduct the RT-PCR with vitellogenin special primers designed by ourselves.
- 他熱心于改良。He was zealous for improvement.
- 草原改良grassland improvement
- 這為土壤改良工作提供了寶貴資料。This has provided valuable data for work in soil improvement.
- 改良戲劇運動(dòng)a movement to uplift the drama
- 鹽堿地改良reclamation of saline and alkaline land
- 這個(gè)城市的治安機構需要改良。The city's security apparatus needs reforming.
- 養殖對動(dòng)物的飼養或植物的種植,尤指為了產(chǎn)生改良品種The breeding of animals or growing of plants, especially to produce improved stock.
- 田地經(jīng)過(guò)不時(shí)的休耕可得到改良。Fields are improved by lying fallow at times.