- 改良型STARK剖宮產(chǎn)術(shù)Modified STARK Cesarean section
- 改良型Dewar手術(shù)治療肩鎖關(guān)節完全脫位及術(shù)后的關(guān)節功能恢復Treatment of complete dislocation of acromioclavicular joint with the modified Dewar operation and postoperative recovery of joint function
- 術(shù)method
- 型的thysanuriform
- 丁丙諾啡用于子癇前期患者剖宮產(chǎn)術(shù)后硬膜外鎮痛的效果評價(jià)Efficacy of Buprenorphine for Postoperative Epidural Analgesia in Patients with Severe Preeclampsia
- Evans藍灌注血管造影對改良型高氧誘導小鼠視網(wǎng)膜新生血管形態(tài)觀(guān)察Evans blue angiography observation of retinal neovascularization induced by hyperxia in mice
- 目的:觀(guān)察曲馬多復合0.75%羅哌卡因硬膜外阻滯用于剖宮產(chǎn)術(shù)的麻醉效果。Objective To investigate efficacy of tramadol addition to ropivacaine 0.75%25 epidural anaesthesia for Caesarean section.
- 樹(shù)脂改良型玻璃離子粘接劑抑制正畸牙釉質(zhì)脫礦的臨床研究A clinical study of resin-modified glass ionomer cement on reducing enamel demineralization in orthodontic treatment
- 硬膜外布比卡因鎮痛對剖宮產(chǎn)術(shù)后催乳素及嬰兒體重的影響Effect of Postoperative Epidural Analgesia with Bupivacaine after Cesarean Section on the Concentration of Prolactin and Infant Weight Gain
- 改良型產(chǎn)品improved products
- 剖宮產(chǎn)術(shù)后出血分析Analysis on Haemorrhage after Caesarean Operation
- 改良型黃酒improved yellow rice wine
- 剖宮產(chǎn)術(shù)cesarean section
- 冰壩防護用作為陡斜屋面襯底的自粘聚合物改良型瀝青板材料Standard Specification for Self-Adhering Polymer Modified Bituminous Sheet Materials Used as Steep Roofing Underlayment for Ice Dam Protection
- 碘附擦拭宮腔加青霉素靜滴預防剖宮產(chǎn)術(shù)后感染的臨床觀(guān)察Clinical observation on the prevention of infection after cesarean section by an iodine cleaning uterine cavity and penicillin intravenous infusion
- 客運馬車(chē)的最后改良型,從載重馬車(chē)、馬拉戰車(chē)和客車(chē)發(fā)展而來(lái)。"It was the final refinement of the horse-drawn passenger conveyance, having developed from the wagon, chariot, and coach."
- 剖宮產(chǎn)術(shù)后Cesarean section
- 改良型氧化溝improved oxidation ditch
- 剖宮產(chǎn)術(shù)剖Cesarean section rate
- 改良型Fentonmodified Fenton