- 網(wǎng)絡(luò )搜索引擎GOOGLE和BAIDU的比較研究Comparative Study on Network Search Engine Google and Baidu
- 深入剖析了著(zhù)名搜索引擎Google的關(guān)鍵技術(shù)PageRank算法,介紹分析了該算法的當前發(fā)展現狀。This paper researches the PageRank algorithm of search engine Google,and introduces its development and the improved algorithm.
- 通過(guò)對這些的研究,我們了解了大量有關(guān)地球的內部情況。It was from the study of these that so much was learnt about the interior of the earth.
- 現在得把最高層領(lǐng)導人召集起來(lái),研究解決這整件事情。The top leaders should now be brought in to thrash out the whole business.
- Google搜索引擎Google search engine
- 弗蘭克不怕麻煩幫助我,為我的項目進(jìn)行研究。Frank went out of his way to help me with research for my project.
- 長(cháng)期的污染問(wèn)題使日本科學(xué)家在研究海藻過(guò)剩方面居世界領(lǐng)先水平。Long term problems with pollution has made Japanese scientists leading authorities on algal blooms.
- 搜索引擎Google研究A Study on the Search Engine of Google
- 科學(xué)家研究過(guò)江中的魚(yú)類(lèi)遠距離回游的現象。Scientists have studied the migration of fish over long distances in the river.
- 在這之后,他繼續致力于研究工作。After that he continued to devote himself to research work.
- Google的特色搜索引擎Special Search Engines of Google
- 不久他們發(fā)現,他們的研究工作進(jìn)展不太順利。Soon they found their studies were not progressing smoothly.
- 他的諾貝爾獎證明了他獨創(chuàng )性的研究。His Nobel Prize is a tribute to the originality of his research.
- Google搜索引擎研究新進(jìn)展The new progress of the research on the searching engine Google
- 犯罪學(xué)以犯罪、罪犯、犯罪行為以及刑罰為研究對象的學(xué)科The scientific study of crime, criminals, criminal behavior, and corrections.
- 研究表明,男人比女人更容易戒煙。Research indicates that men find it easier to give up smoking than women.
- 搜索引擎Google與Baidu比較Comparison between two searching engines:Google and Baidu
- 最終他們通過(guò)討論研究解決了問(wèn)題。Finally they thrashed out the problem.
- 他是一位有名望的研究孔子的學(xué)者。He is a famous Confucian scholar.
- Google搜索引擎及其技術(shù)簡(jiǎn)介Introduction of Google and Its Technologies