- 提升QMS有效性的途徑The Ways to Promote QMS Validity
- 心理健康教育是增強高校思想政治工作有效性的重要途徑Psychological health education is an important way of promoting the effectiveness of HEIs'ideological and political work
- 試論氰化浸出中銀浸出率低的原因及提高銀浸出率的途徑Discussion on the cause of low silver leaching rate taken place in gold and silver cyanide leaching and ways to increase it
- 對當前公安執法監督的薄弱環(huán)節及加強執法監督有效性的思考Reflection on Current Weak Links of Supervising Law Enforcement and Strengthening the Validity of Supervising Law Enforcement for Public Security Organs
- 淺議提升國有林場(chǎng)商品用材林質(zhì)量的途徑On the Way of Raising the Quality of Commercial Forest of State - owned Forest Farm
- 中國貨幣政策通過(guò)資本市場(chǎng)傳導到實(shí)物經(jīng)濟有效性的實(shí)證分析An Empirical Analysis on the Effectiveness of the Capital Market Transmission Channel through Which Chinese Monetary Policy Makes an Impact on Chinese Economy
- 囚犯在他周?chē)鷮ふ姨优艿耐緩健?/a>The jailbird cast about him for a way of escape.
- 彼得的工作總是令人滿(mǎn)意,為此,在不到兩年時(shí)間里他被兩次提升。Peter's work always gives satisfaction for which he has been promoted twice in a matter at less than two years.
- 有效性的差異[經(jīng)] effectiveness variance
- 有絲分裂的途徑可以看到。The mitotic route can be seen.
- 實(shí)踐:德育有效性的支點(diǎn)Practice: the Strong Point of Moral Education's Effect
- 不要被誤導進(jìn)德行的途徑。Do not be misleaded into the path of virtue.
- 論教育供給有效性的衡量On the effectiveness of educational supply appropriations
- 步向成功的途徑take the highway to success
- 要測試其有效性的標記。The tag to test for validity.
- 要測試其有效性的文本。The text to test for validity.
- 薪酬控制的途徑Ways of Compensation Cost Control
- 普及保險教育,提升國民保險風(fēng)險意識是拓展保險市場(chǎng)的根本途徑。Spreading Insurance Education to Enhance the Nations Insurance Risk Concept is a fundamental Channel to Develop the Insurance Market.
- 指出文件有效性的爭議[法] dispute the validity of a document