- 抗CO催化劑CO tolerant catalysts
- 羰基簇合物途徑制備的碳載Pt-Co催化劑陰極抗甲醇性能Study of Methanol Tolerant Property of Cathodic Pt-Co Catalyst with Carbon Carrier Prepared via Route of Carbonyl Clusters
- 納米Co催化劑粉末Nano Co Catalyst Fines
- 抗CO中毒Anti-CO poisoning
- 防毒面具消除CO催化劑的研究進(jìn)展Development of Catalyst to Eliminating CO for Gas Mask
- 抗to resist
- 抗CO侵蝕性resistance to carbon monoxide
- 抗CO中毒催化劑CO tolerance catalysts
- 抗拉強度intensity of tension
- 不同氣相組成下高爐噴補料的抗CO侵蝕能力Influence gas composition on corrosion resistance to CO of gunning mix for blast furnace
- 抗菌antibiosis
- 抗氧化劑antioxidant
- 抗性fastness
- 抗病毒antivirus
- 抗氧化oxidation resistance
- 抗壓resist compression
- 抗壓強度pressive strength
- 碳納米管沉積鉑和釕對PEMFC抗CO中毒能力的影響Effect of Pt/Ru Supported by Carbon Nanotubes on the Ability of PEMFC to Resist CO Poisoning
- 拮抗antagonism
- 抗衰老anti-ageing; senile-resistant