- “標準”、技術(shù)性貿易壁壘與WTO-TBT協(xié)議Standard,Technical Trade Barrier and WTO-TBT
- 基于Multi-Agent的技術(shù)性貿易壁壘預警預測系統研究與開(kāi)發(fā)Research on Early Warning and Alert System Based on Multi-Agent for Technical Barriers to Trade
- 摘要文章對我國水產(chǎn)品出口歐盟遭遇技術(shù)性貿易壁壘的影響進(jìn)行了實(shí)證的研究分析。We analyze the impact of technical barriers to trade (TBT) in European Union (EU) on the seafood export from China.
- 更象是技術(shù)性貿易壁壘,環(huán)境認證就與安規認證相似,但更模糊。RoHS more like the TBT; the environmental related certification, similar as the safety certification but misty.
- 談技術(shù)性貿易壁壘On Technical Barriers to Trade
- 基于Multi-Agent和Ontology的技術(shù)性貿易壁壘預警預測系統設計A Design of Early Warning and Alert System for Technical Barriers to Trade Based on the Technique of Multi-Agent and Ontology
- 技術(shù)性貿易壁壘technical barriers
- 新貿易壁壘new trade barrier
- 省際貿易壁壘interprovincial trade barriers
- 論WTO框架下技術(shù)性貿易壁壘對我國對外貿易的影響及對策The Impact and Strategy of TBT to Foreign Trade of China Under the Framework of WTO
- 現代貿易壁壘modem trade barrier
- 技術(shù)性貿易壁壘協(xié)定agreement on technical barriers to trade
- 道德貿易壁壘moral trade barriers
- 施行貿易壁壘的政府法令。a government order imposing a trade barrier.
- 歐洲貿易壁壘European trade barrier
- 貿易壁壘調查trade barrier investigation
- 技術(shù)性貿易壁壘(TBT)Technical Barrier to Trade(TBT)
- 新型國際貿易壁壘new international trade barrier
- “合規性”貿易壁壘"Rational" trade barrier
- 技術(shù)性貿易壁壘形成機制分析An Analysis on Formative Mechanism of Technical Barriers to Trade Harbin Institute of Technology