- 我國公用DDN骨干網(wǎng)Public Backbone DDN Network in China
- 淺論我國公用企業(yè)反壟斷Discussion on the anti-monopoly of Chinese public enterprise
- 對我國公用企業(yè)壟斷行為的法律規制On Legal Regulations to Monopoly Conduct of Public Utilities
- 進(jìn)一步規制我國公用企業(yè)壟斷行為的思考The Thoughts of Regulating China's Public Enterprises' Monopolist Actions
- |LINK/2是美國泰訊公司研制生產(chǎn)的數字數據網(wǎng)(DDN)設備。 它在我國公用通信網(wǎng)和專(zhuān)用通信網(wǎng)中得到了廣泛應用。LINK/2, one of the digital data network (DDN) equipment developed by Timeplex Group of USA, is widely used in the public networks and the private networks of China.
- 如果可以的話(huà),我想糾正一下您說(shuō)的話(huà):在我國,在職培訓是依法必須進(jìn)行的。If I may, I'd like to correct something you said: in my country, in-service training is compulsory by law.
- 數字數據網(wǎng)(DDN)是利用數字信道來(lái)傳輸數據信號的數字傳輸網(wǎng)。Digital Data Network(DDN) is a data network designed to transmit data on digita! channels.
- 本文對我國公用Internet-CHINANET的一般概念、國際出入口節點(diǎn)的網(wǎng)絡(luò )拓撲結構、系統構成、主要功能及其應用進(jìn)行了綜述。This paper gives an overview of concept,topology,structures,main function and applications for gateway of CHINANET.
- 我國資源豐富。Our country is rich in resources.
- 城市公用[市立]屠宰場(chǎng)municipal abattoir
- 上星期法國總統訪(fǎng)問(wèn)了我國。The president of France visited our country last week.
- 辦公用打孔器office perforator
- 我國東部沿海是一片浩瀚的水域。Along the east coasts of our country are large bodies of water.
- 辦公用復印機office duplicator
- 在我國還有許多文盲。There are still many illiterate people in our country.
- 辦公用印刷機office printing machine
- 不管他是誰(shuí),他都可以在我國現代化中發(fā)揮作用。No matter who he may be, he can play his part in the modernization of our country.
- 納米比亞和南非的鄉下人說(shuō)的公用荷蘭語(yǔ)。any of the Khoisan languages spoken by the pastoral people of Namibia and South Africa.
- 公用杯子a common cup
- 這個(gè)島是我國領(lǐng)土。This island is our territory.