- 您可以利用JUnit來(lái)證明You can utilize JUnit to demonstrate that the
- 您可以利用此示例應用程序執行下列任務(wù)。You can carry out the following tasks with the sample application.
- 證明prove
- 您可以利用這些工具產(chǎn)生一個(gè)框架WSDL來(lái)作為起點(diǎn)或者模板。You can use these tools to generate a skeleton WSDL to serve as a starting point or as a template.
- 使用“信息檢索”功能,您可以利用雙語(yǔ)詞典翻譯單個(gè)字詞或短語(yǔ),或者使用基于Web的機器翻譯服務(wù)來(lái)翻譯整個(gè)文檔。Using the Research feature, you can translate single words or short phrases by using bilingual dictionaries or translate your entire document by using Web-based machine translation services.
- 對于網(wǎng)路裝置而言,您可以利用For network devices, you can avoid this reordering by using
- 我可不可以利用這個(gè)機會(huì )來(lái)表達我的感謝?May I take the opportunity to express my thanks?
- 您可以通過(guò)多種方式證明您有能力支付課程費用。You can demonstrate your ability to pay for your course in many ways.
- 但是,您可以利用本節介紹的一種方法改變這一行為。However, you can change this behavior by using one of the methods that are described in this section.
- 當然可以利用外部準直法來(lái)提高計數器的方向性。Counters can, of course, be made highly directional by the use of external collimation.
- 她回來(lái)后,您可以讓她叫我來(lái)整理嗎?Will you ask her to call me collect when she be back please?
- 您可以利用以下最新增強功能顯示表和視圖中的數據You can show data from tables and views with the following new enhancements
- 這是我們通稱(chēng)的熱毛巾,您可以用來(lái)消除疲勞。This is what we call an o-shi-bo-ri. It's a warm towel you can use to refresh yourself.
- 你可以利用括號來(lái)改變數學(xué)的求值順序。You can change the mathematical order of evaluation by using brackets.
- 您可以使用以下的表格來(lái)與我們聯(lián)系Please use follow form to contact us
- 當您在車(chē)上時(shí),您可以利用摩托羅拉原裝車(chē)載充電器進(jìn)行充電。You can also use a Motorola Original Vehicle Power Adapter to charge the headset battery while in your vehicle.
- 以致這個(gè)問(wèn)題可以利用類(lèi)推混沌理論來(lái)解釋。So much so that the point has been explained by analogy with chaos theory.
- 時(shí),您可以采取措施來(lái)阻止這些警告。You can take steps to prevent these warnings.
- 您可以利用自己的經(jīng)驗、觀(guān)摩導師,或是從書(shū)上學(xué)習專(zhuān)家是如何做的。You can tap your own experience, watch a mentor, or read about what the experts do.
- 我們可以利用微笑來(lái)道歉,打招呼,求助和搭話(huà)。We can use a smile to apologize, to greet someone, to ask for help or to starta conversation.