- 微機BIOS的保護Protection of PC BIOS
- 保護to defend
- 微機BIOS的升級與修復方法How to Upgrade and Rewrite BIOS
- 計算機主板BIOS的升級Update of PC mainboard BIOS
- 埃米莉是在父母的保護下成長(cháng)的,這種教育不能使她適應嚴酷人生的現實(shí)。Emily's protected upbringing had not equipped her for the realities of a harsh world.
- 基于PC主板下一代BIOS的研究與開(kāi)發(fā)Research and Development on PC BIOS of Future Generation
- 在國外的美國人和在國內的美國人,一樣受到政府的保護。Americans abroad are protected by the government like Americans at home.
- 注意:Windows Vista僅支持安裝了高級配置和電源接口(ACPI)BIOS的計算機。Note Windows Vista only supports computers that have an Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) BIOS installed.
- 保護模式protected mode
- 保護的lee
- 對自然資源的保護是保證我們將來(lái)有足夠的能源的一種辦法。Conservation is one way to make sure we have enough energy in the future.
- 把補片的保護層揭掉,把補片用力壓在內胎上,邊緣特別要壓緊。Tear off protective backing from patch and apply patch with firm pressure, particularly at edge.
- 這就是說(shuō),在中國注冊的商標在另一個(gè)國家不受法律的保護。That's to say, a trademark registered in China will not be legally protected in another country.
- 史前時(shí)期動(dòng)物的完整尸體,是由于北極嚴寒的保護不致腐爛。The intact carcass of the prehistoric animal was prevented from putrefying by the arctic cold.
- 他的一生好象受到神力的保護,什么倒霉事都不曾在他身上發(fā)生過(guò)。It seemed as if he had a charmed life; nothing bad ever happened to him.
- 擋板;拖板箱一些在外表或功能上類(lèi)似這種服裝的東西,如機器上的保護屏蔽物Something, such as a protective shield for a machine, that resembles this garment in appearance or function.
- 政府對動(dòng)物的保護達到什么樣的程度將成為爭論的焦點(diǎn)。The debate will centre on how far the government is prepared to go to protect pets.
- 香港海關(guān)負責執行版權和商標方面的保護知識產(chǎn)權法例。The department is responsible for enforcing legislation for the protection of intellectual property rights on copyright and trademarks.
- 具有科學(xué)價(jià)值的古脊椎動(dòng)物化石和古人類(lèi)化石同文物一樣受?chē)业谋Wo。Fossils of paleovertebrates and paleoanthropoids of scientific value shall be protected by the state in the same way as cultural relics.
- 如果這些男性是已婚的,他們的妻子幾乎得不到法律的保護。If those men are married,their wives have little protection under the law.