- 徑流量Z指數runoff-denoted Z index
- Z指數Z index
- 指數index
- 結果表明:大興安嶺特大森林火災后,河川年徑流量明顯增加,5月份融雪徑流量有減少趨勢。The results showed the forest fire in Daxinganling in1987 resulted in the increase of annual runoff obviously in the initial stage, the runoff of melting snow in May tended to reduce.
- 時(shí)間序列分解模型在烏拉斯臺河年徑流量預測中的應用研究Application of the time series decomposable model for the annual runoff prediction in Wulasitai River
- 分析了華北地區夏季旱澇的年代際變化特征 ,然后對該地區 4 9a的 Z指數場(chǎng)進(jìn)行 EOF分析 ,討論了華北地區夏季旱澇的空間分布特征。In addition,the spatial distribution of severe flood and drought in North China is investigated with EOF analysis and the relationship between North China summerprecipitation and North Arctic sea-ice in spring is also discussed.
- 排量delivery capacity
- 初診哮喘不同肺功能份組間兒童骨量Z-SCORE未見(jiàn)統計學(xué)差異(輕度組與中度組Z-SCORE的LSD-t檢驗p值為0.134,輕度組與重度組p值為0.505,中度組與重度組p值為0.503,p值均>0.05)。The bone mass Z-SCORE of different lung function groups has not statistically significant(The LSD-t p value between mild group and moderate group,mild groupand severe group,moderate group and severe group was 0.134,0.505,0.503respectively,all the walue of p>0.05).
- 上證指數Index of Shanghai Stock Exchange
- 量產(chǎn)volume production
- 指數的exponential
- 詞匯量word-base
- 稱(chēng)量metage
- 指數函數quantity in the exponent
- 通量flux
- 股票指數share index
- 徑流量變化runoff change
- 彈性模量elasticity modulus
- 偏移量offset
- 量身定做tailor made