- 弱硬實(shí)時(shí)QoSweakly hard real-time QoS
- 弱硬實(shí)時(shí)weakly hard real-time
- 弱硬實(shí)時(shí)約束weakly hard real-time restrietion
- 弱硬實(shí)時(shí)系統weakly hard real-time system
- 弱硬實(shí)時(shí)系統及其調度算法Weakly Hard Real-Time System and Its Scheduling Algorithms
- 一種幀間相關(guān)的弱硬實(shí)時(shí)系統的分析與研究Analysis and Research of a Weakly Hard Real-Time System with Mutual Frames
- 弱young
- 實(shí)驗結果表明,貝葉斯優(yōu)化算法對于受限延時(shí)QoS路由問(wèn)題有著(zhù)比較好的優(yōu)化能力,在獲得較少平均消息數的條件下,能夠搜索到較低代價(jià)的路由,滿(mǎn)足QoS路由要求。Experimental results show that BOA has better performance in optimizing delay-constrained QoS routing and can search lower cost routing with the least message overhead. Obviously, it meets the needs of QoS routing.
- 到時(shí)arrival time
- 弱的infirm
- 一個(gè)基于RM的弱硬實(shí)時(shí)調度算法A Weakly Hard Real-Time Scheduling Algorithm Based on RM
- 幾時(shí)what time; when
- 報時(shí)give the correct time
- Ad hoc網(wǎng)絡(luò )中受限延時(shí)QoS路由問(wèn)題是NP- complete問(wèn)題,本文采用貝葉斯優(yōu)化算法,引入合適的編碼方法和適應度函數,并利用貝葉斯網(wǎng)絡(luò )對目標參數進(jìn)行模擬、采樣和優(yōu)化。Since the delay-constrained QoS routing is NP-complete question, BOA is applied to solve it in this paper. To find the optimized solution, one reasonable coding method and fitness function are introduced into BOA, and Bayesian network is used to simulate, model and sample the object parameters also.
- 變弱fail in
- 人時(shí)man-hour
- 順時(shí)up time; be in luck; on time
- 弱堿性alkalescence
- 必要時(shí)in a pinch
- 弱電工程weak current engineering