- 彌漫性L(fǎng)ewy體疾病Diffuse Lewy body disease
- Lewy體病Dementia with Lewy Body
- 視網(wǎng)膜電圖及解剖學(xué)異常提示Lewy體癡呆患者的視網(wǎng)膜病變ERG and anatomical abnormalities suggesting retinopathy in dementia with Lewy bodies
- 彌漫性肺疾病Diffuse lung diseases
- 衣原體疾病會(huì )不但導致骨盆感染和不育癥,還容易使患者感染上艾滋病病毒。One recent survey identified a disturbing rise in incidences of chlamydia among Japanese teenagers.
- Lewy體Lewy bodies
- 球形細胞性腦白質(zhì)營(yíng)養不良病,家族性彌漫性嬰兒腦硬化Krabbe's disease/leukodystrophy
- 雖然科學(xué)家在診斷細胞變體疾病上已經(jīng)有了很大進(jìn)展,但是他們還沒(méi)有找出治愈的方法。Although scientists have made progress in diagnosing cell receptor diseases, they have not yet found a way to cure them.
- 熱休克蛋白70大鼠腦彌漫性軸索損傷后神經(jīng)元保護及修復作用研究Investigations on neuron protection and repairing effect of heat shock protein 70 after diffuse axis-cylinder injury of rats
- 彌漫性diffusivity
- 另外,感染衣原體疾病及皰疹等性病的青少年增多。在15歲的青少年中,有三分之一承認他們在發(fā)生性行為時(shí)沒(méi)有使用安全套。Sexually related diseases such as Chlamydia and herpes had also risen amongst young people, with one in three15- year-olds admitting they didn't use condoms.
- 很快地,這個(gè)患者也惡化到瀕臨敗血性休克及彌漫性血管內凝血的階段。This case soon went down-hill to impending septic shock with disseminated intravascular coagulation.
- 頸、腹股溝等部位彌漫性潮紅斑,口周放射狀皺襞,皮膚觸痛對SSSS有診斷意義。Diffused erythema in neck and/or perineum,radiated rhagas around mouth,skin pain were helpful to diagnose SSSS.
- 彌漫性萎縮diffuse atrophy
- 彌漫性的diffuse
- 彌漫性動(dòng)脈瘤diffuse aneurysm
- 耳彌漫性結核diffuse tuber culosis of ear
- 磁彌漫性magnetic diffusivity
- 彌漫性癌diffuse carcinoma
- 彌漫性痛Diffuse pain