- 引物擴增多態(tài)性DNARAPD
- 錨定引物擴增多態(tài)性DNAAPAPD
- 隨機引物擴增多態(tài)性RAPD
- 隨機擴增多態(tài)性DNA分型法在銅綠假單胞菌流行病學(xué)研究方面的應用Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA in Epidemiological Study of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- 隨機引物擴增技術(shù)對變形菌DNA多態(tài)性分型研究Typing of Proteus Strains by Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA
- 以隨機擴增多態(tài)性DNA(RAPD)技術(shù)篩選意大利蜜蜂重要農藝性狀遺傳標記Screening Genetic Markers of Important Agricultural Traits of Apis mellifera ligustica by Using Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA (RAPD)
- 10條隨機引物擴增出 84個(gè)可分析位點(diǎn) ,多態(tài)位點(diǎn)百分比 (PPL)為 3 8.10%。A total of 84 discernible loci were obtained for all populations using 10 primers, 38.10%25 of which were polymorphic (PPL=38.10%25).
- 方法:從獨活藥材中提取基因組DNA,運用RAPD(隨機擴增多態(tài)性DNA)技術(shù)對其進(jìn)行鑒別。Methods:The genome DNA was distilled from Tetrandra Root,and differentiate it by RAPD(the random amplification polymorphism DNA).
- 對于11個(gè)盾葉薯蕷居群,19個(gè)RAPD引物擴增出153條帶,其中113條為多態(tài)帶,占73.86%。For the 11 Dioscorea zingiberensis populations, 19 RAPD primers produced 153 bands, out of which 113 bands were polymorphic. The rate of polymorphic bands accounted for 73.86%25 of the total amplified bands.
- 方法 對 9種鹿屬動(dòng)物的線(xiàn)粒體DNA進(jìn)行引物擴增和序列測定 ,并與???、馬科的DNA序列進(jìn)行比較。METHOD The segments of mtDNA of 9 samples of deer were amplified by PCR technique with common primes and sequenced by the DNA auto sequence machine.
- 采用隨機擴增多態(tài)DNA(RAPD)技術(shù)分析了6個(gè)丁香(Sarinaa)品種間的遺傳關(guān)系。Genetic relationship among lilac(Syringa)cultivars were analysed using random amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD)with an average of 5 bands each primer.
- 聚合酶鏈反應-序列特異性引物方法檢測兒科疾病基因多態(tài)性Polymerase Chain Reaction - Sequence Special Primers in Detecting Gene Polymorphism of Pediatrics Diseases
- 用新設計引物調查武漢漢族Penta D和Penta E基因座遺傳多態(tài)性Genetic polymorphisms of the pentanucleotide repeat loci Penta D and Penta E in Wuhan Han population by re-designed primers
- 擴增多態(tài)性amplification polymorphism
- 隨機擴增多態(tài)性RAPD
- 運用RAPD技術(shù)對洋蔥細胞質(zhì)雄性不育系A和相應保持系B的線(xiàn)粒體DNA(mtDNA)進(jìn)行了100個(gè)單引物的多態(tài)性研究。Using 100 single-primers, onion CMS(cytoplasmic male sterility)line A and its maintainer B were studied by means of RAPD.
- 酶切擴增多態(tài)性CAPs
- 其AFLP分析(引物EcoRI-TA/MseI-CTT)條帶清晰,多態(tài)性好,說(shuō)明此方法提取的野生桃成熟葉片基因組總DNA完全適于A(yíng)FLP分析。AFLP analysis indicated the primer (EcoRI-TA/MseI-CTT) produced clear polymorphic patterns. Therefore this method could be used for extracting ideal DNA samples from mature leaves of wild peach and suitable for AFLP.
- 靶區域擴增多態(tài)性target region amplification polymorphism
- 酶切擴增多態(tài)性序列CAPS