- 建筑物內物品的<易燃、易爆等)危險性hazard of contents
- 內internal
- 利用防震材料,特別要盡量避免包裹內物品的移動(dòng)。Make use of cushioning materials, especially to stop your packaging contents from moving.
- 建筑物內不準吸煙warned against smoking in the building
- 物品materials
- 建筑物內的防火設施Fire safety installations in the building
- 募捐活動(dòng)如為慈善機構或政治運動(dòng)籌集資金或物品的有組織的活動(dòng)或事件The organized activity or an instance of soliciting money or pledges, as for charitable organizations or political campaigns.
- 內的inner
- 于夜間活動(dòng),大群棲居于舊建筑物內Nocturnal, roosts in large colonies in old buildings
- 明細表附在包裹上的標簽,記有所裝物品的組裝或操作指南A label or ticket affixed to a package listing the contents or directions for assembling or operating.
- 內網(wǎng)Intranet
- 內置internal
- 當售貨小姐在收款機上打錄下我所購物品的總額時(shí),我大吃一驚。I got a shock when the sales girl punched up the total of my shopping.
- 站內instation
- 內向diffidence
- 建筑物內低壓配電柜上SPD的選擇和安裝Select and FiXing of SPD on Low Pressure Electric Shock Inside the Building
- 時(shí)間內within (a period of time)
- 扁平箱用來(lái)存放個(gè)人物品的箱子,尤其在床下保存的東西,如在軍營(yíng)中A trunk for storing personal belongings, especially one kept at the foot of a bed, as in a barracks.
- 在內including
- 內向的introrse