- 尿素維E乳膏urea and vitamin E cream
- 目的 觀(guān)察三蕊膠囊聯(lián)合維胺脂維E乳膏治療尋常痤瘡的療效。Objective To observe therapeutic effect of viamina te capsule in combination with viaminate and vitamin E cream on patients with vulg aris acne.
- 維生素E乳膏Vitamin E cream
- 尿囊素維生素E乳膏allantoin and vitamin E cream
- 3維e容錯搜索模型the model of 3 - ary search with e lies
- 乳milk
- 天然有機橄欖油和維E專(zhuān)門(mén)針對干燥肌膚、其是身體肌膚因為干燥而出現皮屑亂分的現象。Palmer's Olive Butter Formula Concentrated Cream is a rich cream formulated with Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Vitamin E to relieve extra dry, flaky skin.
- 乳液latex
- 阿昔洛韋尿素乳膏aciclovir urea cream
- 乳膏cream
- 搽上乳膏後揉勻.Rub the cream in well.
- 消炎乳膏a cream to reduce the inflammation
- 脫毛乳膏depilatory creams
- 擦亮乳膏polishing cream
- 無(wú)香乳膏[醫] pasta acidi stearici
- 藥物乳膏Drug cream
- 嘉瑞乳膏butenafine hydrochloride cream
- 油性乳膏oily cream
- 氯地乳膏chloramphenicol dexamethasone onintment