- 本節提供有關(guān)將網(wǎng)站部署到Web服務(wù)器的重要信息。This section provides essential information about deploying Web sites to a Web server.
- 本節提供有關(guān)將網(wǎng)站部署到Web服務(wù)器的詳細信息。This section provides in-depth information about deploying Web sites to a Web server.
- 將網(wǎng)站部署到Web服務(wù)器Deploy a Web site to a Web server
- 在將網(wǎng)站部署到成品服務(wù)器后,無(wú)需重新編譯整個(gè)網(wǎng)站即可對.aspx代碼進(jìn)行更改。After you deploy the Web site to a production server, you can make changes to the. Aspx code without recompiling the whole Web site.
- 提供有關(guān)將網(wǎng)站編譯成可部署到Web服務(wù)器上的程序集的指導教程。Provides a guided tour of compiling a Web site into assemblies that can be deployed to a Web server.
- Web服務(wù)器Web server
- 這頁(yè)就會(huì )幫助你將網(wǎng)站登陸到流行的搜索引擎中。This page will help you to get listed in the most popular search engines.
- 璣Web服務(wù)器Web server
- 先繁殖(還有保護)他的衛星,然后部署到敵人的衛星上。First to populate (and protect) his planet, and then to deploy on opponents planets.
- 此終結點(diǎn)表示從類(lèi)庫項目中的Web引用到Web服務(wù)的連接。This endpoint represents the connection from the Web reference in the class library project to the Web service.
- 框架集中每個(gè)框架的獨立請求可以在Web服務(wù)器的不同線(xiàn)程上并發(fā)執行。The separate requests for each frame in the frameset might be executed on the Web server concurrently on different threads.
- 然后決定部署到連接的智能設備還是Pocket PC仿真程序。Then, decide whether you want to deploy to a connected smart device or to the Pocket PC emulator.
- 微嵌入式系統Web服務(wù)器技術(shù)On the technique of the Web server in the micro-embedded system
- 在部署到生產(chǎn)環(huán)境時(shí),輸出文件的位置可能是一個(gè)主要問(wèn)題。The location of output files can be a major issue when deploying to a production environment.
- 動(dòng)態(tài)Web服務(wù)器控件和視圖狀態(tài)Dynamic Web Server Controls and View State
- 僅當測試結果滿(mǎn)足您的要求后,再按照如下所示方法將更新部署到應用程序Only when you are satisfied with the results of your testing, deploy the update to your application as follows
- Web服務(wù)器控件的寬度設置為負值。The width of the Web server control was set to a negative value.
- 我們的部隊將被重新部署到其他地區。Our troops are to be redeployed elsewhere.
- 在FormView Web服務(wù)器控件中分頁(yè)Paging in a FormView Web Server Control
- 這樣會(huì )導致Web服務(wù)器性能明顯下降。Doing this causes significant Web server performance degradation.