- 將文件簽入SharePoint庫Check in a file to a SharePoint library
- 如果簽出了文件,則必須將文件簽入,其他人才能夠看到您的更改。If you checked out the file, you need to check in the file to enable other people to see your changes.
- 對SharePoint庫簽入或簽出文件Check a file in or out of a SharePoint library
- 將更改后的文件簽入源代碼管理中。Check in a changed file to source control.
- 在SharePoint庫中跟蹤文件的版本Track versions of a file in a SharePoint library
- 簽sign one's name
- 刪除文件del
- 但是,可以從設計工具中向SharePoint庫發(fā)布.rds文件。However, you can publish. Rds files from a design tool to a SharePoint library.
- 在完成更改后,將所有文件簽回。After you make your changes, check all of the files back in.
- 簽入to log on
- 可以將報表生成器報表定義保存到您有權訪(fǎng)問(wèn)的任何報表服務(wù)器或SharePoint庫,也可以將其保存到本地計算機。Report Builder report definitions can be saved to any report server or SharePoint library that you have permissions to access, or to your local computer.
- 將文件譯成密碼cipher a document
- 要保留文件以前的版本,您首先需要從SharePoint庫內啟用版本控制。To keep previous versions of files, you first need to turn on versioning from inside your SharePoint library.
- 升級報告提供的信息涉及因文件簽出而未轉換的源代碼管理解決方案或項目。The upgrade report provides information about source-controlled solutions or projects that were not converted because files were checked out.
- 將文件附在信中attach a document to a letter
- 在文件簽出之后,您可以編輯、關(guān)閉、重新打開(kāi)該文件,甚至是在硬盤(pán)上處理該文件。While the file is checked out, you can edit the file, close it, reopen it, and even work with the file on your hard disk.
- 厭倦了為簽字而將文件往返遞送,秘書(shū)決定將所有的簽字人叫來(lái)。Tired of shuttlecocking the document for signatures, the secretary decided to call in all the signers.
- 提交她的變更到配置庫中的操作就是我們所說(shuō)的“簽入”。Submitting her changes to the repository is the operation we call "checkin".
- 我們將文件裝入防火的保險箱。We packed the papers in a fireproof safe.
- 要處理存儲在SharePoint庫中的文件的版本,您必須先從啟用了版本控制的SharePoint庫中打開(kāi)該文件。To work with versions of a file that is stored in a SharePoint library, you must first open the file from a SharePoint library that has versioning turned on.