- 宮頸Shirodkar縫線(xiàn)除去術(shù)Removal of Shirodkar suture from cervix
- 胸廓縫線(xiàn)除去術(shù)Removal of suture of thorax
- 肛管Thiersch絲或縫線(xiàn)除去術(shù)Removal of Thiersch wire or suture from anal canal
- 盆腔清除術(shù);盆腔臟器除去術(shù)pelvic exenteration
- 產(chǎn)科宮頸縫術(shù)Obstetrical trachelorrhaphy
- 葡萄胎或絨毛膜癌除去術(shù)Removal of molar pregnancy or choriocarcinoma
- 外耳道異物除去術(shù),使用耳道鏡Ear canal foreign body removal with otoscope
- 全盆腔臟器除去術(shù);盆腔臟器全部除去術(shù)total pelvic exenteration
- 長(cháng)頸倒掛金鐘honeysuckle fuchsia
- "或" 線(xiàn)接口單元OR line interface unit
- (馬球)頸下側方擊球hit under the pony's neck+ [ 1 ]
- 項目名稱(chēng):“大明宮區域”城市概念規劃設計The name of the project: The "Da Ming Palace" region urban concept planning and design
- 相應線(xiàn)homologous lines
- 頜下-半頸發(fā)際緣切口Submandible-semicervix hairline incision
- 林線(xiàn)forest line
- 深頸壓力機的數控化改造Numerical Control Improvement of Deep Hole Punch
- 線(xiàn)控器Sub-controller
- 頸椎間盤(pán)突出癥;頸椎間盤(pán)突出癥herniation of cervical disc
- 用地線(xiàn)property-line
- 林木修剪術(shù)topiary