- 威靈頓,A.(1769-1851)Arthur Wellesley,Duke of Wellington (1769~1851)
- “哦,我在威靈頓飯店工作,那是百老匯大街上的一家新旅館。"Well, I am connected with the Wellington--the new hotel on Broadway.
- 在神的祝福和帶領(lǐng)下,威靈頓光愛(ài)中心于2001年5月31日注冊為法定團體。With the blessing from our Great Lord,Light and Love Home in Wellington was registered as an incorporated society on30 th May2001.
- 威might
- 我們的路線(xiàn)經(jīng)過(guò)威靈頓嗎?Is Wellington on our route?
- 頓jerk
- 上午11點(diǎn),拿破侖襲擊了由威靈頓公爵率領(lǐng)的英國軍隊。At11 am Napoleon attacked the British army, led by the Duke of Wellington.
- 那場(chǎng)戰斗的前夜,威靈頓沿一條長(cháng)長(cháng)的山脊背后占據了一個(gè)防守陣地。The evening before the battle, Wellington took up a defensive position along, and to the rear of, a long ridge.
- 謝靈頓定律Sherrington's law
- 坡威靈Powelline
- 謝靈頓溶液Sherrington's solution
- [醫] 草本威靈仙屬Veronicastrum Heist.
- 謝靈頓切腦器Sherrington's decerebrator
- 威靈仙軟膏Chinese clematis root ointment
- 謝靈頓閃爍盤(pán)Sherrington's disk
- 威靈仙中毒Clematis chinensis poisoning
- 謝靈頓閃爍實(shí)驗Sherrington flicker experiment
- 云威靈軟膠囊Yunweiling capsule
- 梵靈頓圖書(shū)公司Farrington Book Limited
- 草本威靈仙屬[醫] Veronicastrum Heist.