- 胎樂(lè )顆粒治療先兆流產(chǎn)的臨床觀(guān)察及對妊娠血漿相關(guān)蛋白A影響的研究Clinical Observation on Treatment of Threatened Abortion by Taile Granule and Research on Effects of the Granule on Gestational Serum Related Protein A
- 妊娠血漿相關(guān)蛋白Apregnancy-associated plasma protein A
- 飛行員神經(jīng)癥人格特征與血漿相關(guān)神經(jīng)肽變化的對照研究A Control Study of Personality Characteristics and Variation of Plasma Peptide in Pilots with Neurosis
- 細胞毒素相關(guān)蛋白ACytotoxin associated protein A
- 電針夾脊穴治療腰椎間盤(pán)突出癥的鎮痛時(shí)效及對血漿相關(guān)因子的干預Time-dependent analgesic effect of electroacupuncture at Jiaji acupoint in patients with lumbar disc herniation and its intervention on related factors of plasma
- 妊娠相關(guān)血漿蛋白A(PAPP-A)Threatened abortion
- 嗜鉻蛋白Achromograin A
- 右-苯丙胺對腦缺血大鼠細胞凋亡和生長(cháng)相關(guān)蛋白43的作用Effect of D-amphetamine on apoptosis and GAP-43 expression of rat brain cells after focal cerebral ischemia
- 周期蛋白Acyclin A
- 甲狀旁腺相關(guān)蛋白在鼠胚髁突外植體軟骨內成骨中的作用Influence of PTHrP on endochondral ossification of condylar explant in fetal mouse
- 外膜蛋白Aouter membrane protein A (OmpA)
- 妊娠相關(guān)α血漿蛋白質(zhì)/A液pregnancy-associated alpha-plasma protein/BL
- M相關(guān)蛋白M-associated protein; MAP
- 機械通氣對新生兒氣道灌洗液中肺表面活性物質(zhì)蛋白A的影響Influence of mechanical ventilation on tracheal aspirate fluid surfactant- associated proteins- A levels in neonates
- 蓖麻蛋白A鏈與單抗3G11偶聯(lián)物的制備及體外生物活性研究The preparation of immunoconjugate composed of ricin A-chain and mAB 3G11 and the evaluation of its biological activity in vitro
- C9相關(guān)蛋白C9-related protein
- E6相關(guān)蛋白E6-associated protein(E6-AP)
- 人扭轉蛋白Ahuman torsin A
- 載脂蛋白AⅠAApolipoprotein A Ⅰ
- GAP相關(guān)蛋白GAP-associated protein