- 天文文獻Lucenenetwork Lucene
- 參考文獻literature cite
- 基于Lucene的全文檢索引擎研究與應用Research and Application of Full Text Search Engine Based on Lucene
- 基于Lucene的全文檢索系統研究與開(kāi)發(fā)Research and Development of Full Text Search Engine Based on Lucene
- 天文像的復原astronomical image reconstruction
- 基于Lucene的網(wǎng)站全文搜索的設計與實(shí)現The Design and Implementation of Lucene- based Website Full- text Search
- 文獻報道bibliographical information
- 射電天文譜線(xiàn)radio spectral line
- 科技文獻scientific and technical literature
- 天文刊物astronomical journal
- 將Lucene和Struts結合起來(lái),探討了基于Lucene的搜索引擎在Struts中的應用。In this paper, we combine Lucene with Struts and discuss the application in Struts framework which based on the Lucene search engine.
- 文件[文獻]檢索document retrieve
- 天文檔案astronomy archives
- 阿波羅文獻目錄ADL (Apollo Documentation List)
- 射電天文譜線(xiàn)接收機spectral line receiver in radio astronomy
- 文獻收集acquisition work
- 射電天文譜線(xiàn)證認identification of radio astronomical spectral lines
- 保密文獻confidential document
- 天文CCDastronomical CCD
- 參考文獻查閱服務(wù)工作reference service