- 多路的TCP數據業(yè)務(wù)multichannel wireless TCP data service
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- 多multi-
- TCP數據段TCP segments
- 市政會(huì )曾說(shuō),他們會(huì )來(lái)修這條路的,不過(guò)現在看來(lái)似乎永遠也不會(huì )來(lái)修了。The council said they would come and repair the road but looks as though it will be for ever and a day before it gets done.
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- 數據業(yè)務(wù)data traffic
- 一種新自適應濾波快速算法及其在多路回波消除中的應用A New Adaptive Filtering Algorithm and Its Application in Stereophonic Acoustic Echo Cancellation
- 遠離大路的,偏僻的離開(kāi)大道或主路的;遠離的或偏僻的Away from a main road or course; distant or removed.
- 首先介紹數據通信是通過(guò)數據包實(shí)現的,給出以太網(wǎng)的結構、IP數據包結構和TCP數據報結構。It is point out that the data communication is achieved by data packet. Then, this paper discusses the architecture of the internet, the IP packet, and the architecture of the TCP datagram.
- 多路電話(huà)業(yè)務(wù)multi access telephone service
- 承擔公司的網(wǎng)絡(luò )數據業(yè)務(wù)的安裝與維護,同電信、網(wǎng)通等通信運營(yíng)公司有密切聯(lián)系。Undertake the installation and maintenance of the network data business of the company, maintaining close working relationship with telecommunication operators such as China Telecommunications and CNC.
- 以下示例將ExpenseRoute路由的網(wǎng)絡(luò )地址更改為IP地址為10.2.19.72的主機上的TCP端口1234。The following example changes the network address for the ExpenseRoute route to TCP port 1234 on the host with the IP address
- 頻分多路通信frequency division multiplex communication
- 基于多普勒雷達傳輸線(xiàn)路的綜合探測業(yè)務(wù)寬帶傳輸網(wǎng)絡(luò )系統Wide-Band Transmitting Network System for Comprehensive Sounding Service Based on Doppler Radar Communication
- 時(shí)分多路通信channellized time dividing
- 碼分多路通信code division multiplex communication
- 帶寬可滿(mǎn)足基于同一條鏈路的I/O數據采集,實(shí)時(shí)內部連鎖,點(diǎn)對點(diǎn)通訊及編程要求"Bandwidth for I/O, real-time interlocking, peer-to-peer messaging and programming all on the same link"
- 跑了那么多路是我透不過(guò)氣來(lái)。After all that running I have no breath left.
- 多路編碼multiplex coding