- 復方維A酸軟膏Compound tretinoin ointment
- 復方維A酸乳膏Compound tretinoin cream
- 復方維甲酸粘附劑的研制Preparation of the Adhesive Agent of Compound Retinoic Acid
- 復方十一烯酸軟膏undecylenic acid ointment
- 20%十一烯酸鋅和5%十一烯酸軟膏Athlete's Foot Ointment<抗真菌藥>
- 復方維U顛茄鉍鋁片compound Wei U Dianqie Bilü tablet
- 復方維甲酸霜的研制及其治療黃褐斑療效觀(guān)察Preparation and Therapeutic Effect on Chloasma of Compound Tretinoin Cream
- 不僅A而且not merely A but also B
- 腰膝酸軟Soreness and weakness of waist and knees
- 維A酸Tretinoin
- 四肢酸軟one's limbs all aching and limp
- 分光光度法測定復方維甲酸凝膠中維甲酸和紅霉素的含量Determination of Tretinoin and Erythromycin in Compound Tretinoin Gel by Spectrophotometry
- A股A-share
- 他全身酸軟無(wú)力。A deadly lassitude had taken hold of him.
- 錫膏tin cream
- 雖然渾身酸軟,可是不干活不行呀!Though I still ached all over, I had to work.
- 把A誤以為take A for B
- 多維many dimensions
- 把A視為looked upon A as B
- 二維碼two-dimension code