- 原發(fā)性肝癌合并門(mén)靜脈癌栓血液動(dòng)力學(xué)改變的雙期增強螺旋CT表現Appearance of Biphasic Spiral CT of Hemodynamic Change of the Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Tumor Thrombus in Portal Vein
- 增強螺旋CTenhanced helical CT
- 3期增強螺旋CTTriple-phase contrast-enhanced heical CT
- 非增強螺旋CTNoncontrast CT
- 非增強螺旋CT全尿路曲面重建診斷輸尿管結石Curved planar reformation of unenhanced spiral CT in diagnosis of ureter stone
- 增強to increase
- 肝腫瘤實(shí)時(shí)灰階諧波超聲造影與動(dòng)態(tài)增強螺旋CT對照研究Comparison of enhancement features of hepatic tumors on SonoVue-enhanced real-time gray-scale ultrasonography and contrast-enhanced helical CT
- 實(shí)時(shí)超聲造影與增強螺旋CT檢出惡性腫瘤肝轉移灶的臨床研究Detection of liver metastases with real-time contrast-enhanced ultrasonography: comparison with conventional ultrasonography and contrast-enhanced CT
- 多層螺旋CT三維肺血管重建在肺血管相關(guān)疾病中的臨床應用Clinical Application of Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Multi - slice Spiral CT in Pulmonary Vessels in Chest Diseases Related to Pulmonary Vessels
- 方法 :11例患者行全尿路非增強螺旋CT掃描 ,并行冠狀及矢狀曲面重建。11 cases with ureter stone received unenhanced helical CT scanning from the top of the kidneys to pubic symphysis during a single breath hold,and CPR was performed after scanning.
- 螺旋CT多平面,三維重建技術(shù)對骨盆創(chuàng )傷性病變的診斷價(jià)值The Evaluation of Spiral CT MPR and SSD Techniques in the Diagnosis of Pelvic Trauma Lesions
- 單螺旋CTSingle-slice CT
- 多層螺旋CT同層動(dòng)態(tài)掃描結合MPR技術(shù)診斷肝外膽管癌的研究Multislice CT in-layer dynamic scan combined MPR technique for diagnosis of extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma
- X線(xiàn)與螺旋CTX-ray and CT
- 錐束螺旋CTcone-beam helical CT
- 多層螺旋CTmulti-slice spiral CT
- 16層螺旋CT16-slice spiral CT
- 64層螺旋CT64-slice spiral CT
- 多排螺旋CTMSCT