- 基于DCL的表格數據處理Processing datasheet bases on DCL
- 控件的XML數據的表格數據源視圖。Represents a tabular data source view on XML data for an.
- 數據data
- 基于DCL算法的模糊控制規則提取A Method to Extract the Fuzzy-controlled Rules Based on the DCL Arithmetic
- 基于DCL和AutoLISP語(yǔ)言開(kāi)發(fā)的墊圈標準件庫Exploitation of Standard Parts of Gasket Based On DCL & AutoLISP
- 有關(guān)DCL的詳細信息,請參閱發(fā)布到Excel Services。For more information about DCLs, see Publish to Excel Services.
- GRID控件引入EXCEL電子表格數據的實(shí)現方法The Ways of Introduction of EXCEL Data in GridControl
- 公交調查數據處理系統研究Survey data processing system for public transportation
- 在操作系統VAX/VMS中,輸入DCL的LOGOUT命令,通知操作系統用戶(hù)已完成對某一終端的使用。In VAX/VMS, issuing the DCL command LOGOUT, which informs the operating system that user has finished using a particular terminal
- 數據處理data processing
- 對.xml文件應用轉換以使該文件可用作表格數據。Apply a transformation to an. Xml file to make the file usable as tabular data.
- 晶面角自動(dòng)測量中的數據處理A method for processing data in automatic measuring of crystal plane angle
- 基于灰度圖像的表格框線(xiàn)去除算法A Form Frame Line Removal Algorithm Based on Gray-Level Image
- 統計數據statistical data
- 這就是為什么基于Web的表格如此慢、無(wú)法使用。And that's why Web-based forms are so slow and irritating to use.
- 數據透視表PivotTable
- 數據線(xiàn)data wire
- 數據結構data organization
- 數據文件data file
- 功能強大的表格編輯工具提高了準確性,并使對單元格的處理更為靈活和便于控制。Powerful table-editing tools improve accuracy and give you more flexibility and control when working with cells.