- 在Web瀏覽器中預覽網(wǎng)頁(yè)Preview a Web page in a Web browser
- 如果找到想要的示例,您可以直接在Web瀏覽器中預覽示例。When you find a sample of what you're trying to do, you can preview it right in your Web browser.
- 提供用于在Web瀏覽器中查看報表的HTML查看器組件的幫助。Provides help for the HTML Viewer component used for viewing reports in a Web browser.
- 可以用快捷鍵查看和瀏覽網(wǎng)頁(yè)、在打印前預覽網(wǎng)頁(yè)、使用地址欄、使用和整理收藏的內容。You can use shortcut keys to view and explore Web pages, preview pages before printing, use the Address bar, work with favorites, and edit.
- 單擊“Internet地址”,然后在Web瀏覽器中導航到該網(wǎng)站。Click Internet Address, and then navigate to the site in your Web browser.
- 保存包含表單的網(wǎng)頁(yè)后,您可以在瀏覽器中預覽它并修改表單中的數據。After you save the page that contains the form, you can preview it in the browser and modify the data in the form.
- 在Web瀏覽器中執行腳本Executing a Script in a Web Browser
- 雖然預覽并非圖像或PDF文件,但報表的布局和分頁(yè)與這些格式的輸出結果類(lèi)似。The preview is not an image or PDF file, but the layout and pagination of the report is similar the output in those formats.
- 將在Web瀏覽器中顯示教程的起始頁(yè)。The tour start page will be displayed in your Web browser.
- 馬丁·路德·金在以非暴力手段尋求平等的過(guò)程中樹(shù)立了許多敵人。Martin Luther King made many adversaries in his nonviolent quest for equality.
- 在Web窗體頁(yè)上顯示公布標志。Displays an advertisement banner on a Web Forms page.
- 自從他在戰爭中冒險以后,就因為這次軼事而名聲大振,常被人請吃飯。Ever since his adventure in the war, he has been dining off the story.
- 顯示與保存為網(wǎng)頁(yè)效果相同的工作簿的預覽。Displays a preview of the workbook as it would look if saved as a Web page.
- LDAP目錄服務(wù)在Web開(kāi)發(fā)中的應用Implementation of a Web-based LDAP Directory Service
- 那就是機器零件在使用過(guò)程中磨損的原因。That is why the machine parts were wearing away during use.
- 將選定內容擴大來(lái)填充預覽窗格。Enlarges the selection to fill the preview pane.
- Web包含大量信息,您可以使用Web瀏覽器通過(guò)計算機進(jìn)行訪(fǎng)問(wèn)。The web contains a vast amount of information, which you can access from your computer using a web browser.
- 防止樣式、背景或文件預覽被更改Prevent styles, backgrounds, or file previews from being changed
- 在IDE中顯示內部Web瀏覽器。Displays the internal Web browser in the IDE.
- 鈦、錳、鈮對Fe-25Cr合金在硫化環(huán)境中預氧化保護作用的影響Influence of Ti, Mn,Nb on the Protection of Preformed Oxide Scale of An Fe-25Cr Alloy in the Sulfidation Environment