- 國產(chǎn)100mL摩托車(chē)統計表Statistics of Domestic 100 mL Motorcycles
- 國產(chǎn)零件取代進(jìn)口零件。Home-made parts are being substituted for imported ones.
- 那輛摩托車(chē)倒在溝中。The motorbike lay on its side in the gutter.
- 他的父母反對他買(mǎi)摩托車(chē)的計劃。His parents vetoed his plan to buy a motorcycle.
- 騎摩托車(chē)的人戴了一頂頭盔。The man on the motorcycle wore a helmet.
- 并不是完全由他的想象觸發(fā)的;有統計表和詳細資料的完整計劃。did not spring full-clad from his imagination; a plan fleshed out with statistics and details.
- 摩托車(chē)的聲音在遠處逐漸消失了。The sound of the motorbike faded away in the distance.
- 本國產(chǎn)的home-made
- 編制統計表statistical tabulation
- 他們的產(chǎn)品售價(jià)高,但他們的年統計表顯示出較高的利潤。Their products are sold at higher prices but the annual return shows greater profitability.
- 奧國產(chǎn)的紅葡萄酒Carlowitz
- 騎上摩托車(chē)to mount on a motorbike
- 國產(chǎn)機器domestically produced machine
- 年度統計表annual returns
- 把摩托車(chē)拆開(kāi)to demount the motorcycle
- 這里的機器都是國產(chǎn)的。The machines here are all homemade.
- 月統計表monthly digest of statistics
- 州警命令超速的摩托車(chē)手把車(chē)停到路邊The state trooper pulled the speeding motorist over.
- 國產(chǎn)機home-made machine
- 送樣統計表To deliver the type statistical table