- 四粒子糾纏W態(tài)four-particle entangled W state
- 糾纏W態(tài)entangled W state
- 勿需測量坍縮假設的四粒子任意自旋態(tài)的量子隱形傳輸Quantum Teleportation of Four-particle State of General Formation Without the Postulation of Collapse
- W態(tài)W state
- 任意的三粒子糾纏態(tài)arbitrary three-particle state
- 大學(xué)英語(yǔ)四級College English Band 4
- W態(tài)制備W statepreparation
- 四是fourthly
- 任意未知三粒子糾纏態(tài)的概率傳遞及其量子邏輯電路Probabilistic Teleportation and Guantum Logical Circuit of an Arbitrary Three-particle Entangled State
- 四星four stars
- 四不像milu
- 糾纏不清persistant
- 組態(tài)configuration
- 四驅4 wheel driven
- 模態(tài)mode
- 四期fourth phase
- 四方形square
- 步態(tài)pace
- 四胞胎quadruplets