- 響度與響度JND的關(guān)系The Relation between Loudness and Loudness JND
- 響度重振與耳蝸微音電位及耳聾預后的關(guān)系Relationship among loudness recruitment, cochlear microphonics and prognosis of hearing loss
- 在這些畫(huà)面與那些有時(shí)伴隨畫(huà)面的刻記之間,可能存在著(zhù)一定的關(guān)系。It is possible that there is a definite relation between these paintings and the markings that sometimes accompany them.
- 他與顧客的關(guān)系是事務(wù)性的,理所當然不可能跟他們之間有多少個(gè)人感情。His relations with his clients were also cut and dried, very little personal feeling could in the nature of things come into them.
- 技術(shù)以及我們與技術(shù)的關(guān)系從來(lái)不像現在這樣成了一項重擔。Never has technology or our relationship to it had such an onus.
- 這種人與人之間休戚相關(guān)的關(guān)系是麗莉以前從未體驗過(guò)的。Such a vision of the solidarity of life had never before come to Lily.
- 從名詞復數后綴、格后綴的異同看滿(mǎn)洲語(yǔ)與女真語(yǔ)的關(guān)系On the Relations of Manchu and Jurchen Language from the View of Similarities and Differences in Suffixes of Plural Nouns and Cases
- 香港與德國的關(guān)系非常密切,這點(diǎn)從每天路上的景象可見(jiàn)一斑。Hong Kong and Germany have a very close relationship. This is symbolised every day on the street.
- (五)與人民打成一片,同人民建立血肉不可分離的關(guān)系。5) To become one with the people, as inseparable as flesh and blood.
- 要與人維持良好的關(guān)系,不但內在要誠信,外在也要有技巧。If you want to maintain good relations with people, not only do you have to be sincere, you also have to be tactful.
- 棒辣妹否認她們緊身的夜總會(huì )裝扮與火辣的臺風(fēng)跟她們的名氣有很大的關(guān)系。Bond members deny their slinky nightclub attire and libidinous onstage posturing has much to do with their fame.
- 文章中討論支持向量機與基礎追蹤去雜訊法之間的關(guān)系。Girosi, F. "An Equivalence between Sparse Approximation and Support Vector Machines." Neural Computation 10 (1998): 1455-1480.
- 因此要正確處理好經(jīng)濟發(fā)展與漁業(yè)資源保護之間的關(guān)系。So we must predict the relationship of economic development and protection of marine fishery resources mathematically.
- 在此基礎上分析了歸化翻譯和井化翻譯與模因傳播的關(guān)系。It also analyzes the relationship between alienation, domestication and the transmitting of meme.
- 然后,愛(ài)莉竟將她的秘密告訴他,包括她與拜仁的關(guān)系。He gets her to confide in him and Ally admits that her sex life with Brian isn't that great.
- 組織與供方是相互依存的,互利的關(guān)系可增強雙方創(chuàng )造價(jià)值的能力。An organization and its suppliers are interdependent and a mutually beneficial relationship enhances the ability of both to create value.
- 在流程圖中,很容易看清一個(gè)步驟與它下面的步驟的關(guān)系。In a flowchart,it's easy to see how one step is related to the one that follows.
- 老人斷絕了與他的不肖兒子的關(guān)系,并剝奪了他的繼承權。The old man castoff his prodigal son and disinherited him.
- 資本結構與企業(yè)內在價(jià)值的關(guān)系及最佳資本結構決策探討Discussion on the Relationship between Capital Structure and Enterprise Intrinsic Value and Optimal Capital Structure Decision
- 高血壓性腦出血后血漿凝血酶的動(dòng)態(tài)變化與腦損害的關(guān)系The relation between the developmental change of plasma thrombin and brain damage after hypertension intracerebral hemorrhage