- 哈氏C-2000合金Hastelloy C - 2000 alloy
- c語(yǔ)言
- 哈氏器Haller's organ
- 維生素Cvitamin(e) C
- 哈氏系統haversian system
- C語(yǔ)言程序設計Programming in C
- 哈氏按蚊Anopheles hargreavesi
- 哈氏紅馬魚(yú)Copper
- 稀土金屬混合而成的發(fā)火合金。a pyrophoric alloy made from a mixture of rare-earth metals.
- 學(xué)校有2000人注冊。The school has an enrollment of 2000 pupils.
- 哈氏杯革菌Cotylidia harmandii
- 能在不同溫度焊接的合金alloys that weld at different heats
- C程序設計Program Design in C
- 哈氏B-3合金Hastelloy B-3
- 用黑色合金裝飾或鑲嵌To decorate or inlay with niello.
- 哈氏并殖吸蟲(chóng)Paragonimus harinasutai
- c 語(yǔ)言C language
- 鑄造有色合金cast non - ferrous alloy
- 哈氏線(xiàn)杜父魚(yú)Scalyhead sculpin
- 不浸酸鉻鞣液C-2000no-pickling chrome tanning solution C-2000