- 葉綠素A制劑chloresium
- 維生素A制劑Vitamin A preparation
- 油維生素A制劑oleovitamin A preparation
- 干旱對春小麥旗葉葉綠素a熒光動(dòng)力學(xué)特征及產(chǎn)量間關(guān)系的影響Study on the relation between the effects of water stress on the flag leaf chlorophyll a fluorescence induction kinetics and the yields of spring wheat genotypes in late growth season
- 制劑(chemical or pharmaceutical) preparation
- 葉綠素Achlorophyll A
- 機載海洋激光熒光雷達測量海表層葉綠素a濃度的算法研究Algorithmic Research for Measuring Chlorophyll-a Concentration in the Sea Surface Layer by Using Airborne Ocean Fluorescence Lidar
- 不同水分條件下小麥旗葉葉綠素a熒光參數與子粒灌漿速率Chlorophyll a Fluorescence Parameters of Flag Leaf of the Wheat and Seed Grouting under Different Water Treatments
- 西北太平洋副熱帶環(huán)流區秋季水體葉綠素a分布及粒級結構The distribution of the size-fractionated chlorophyll a in the subtropical circle area of the northwest Pacific Ocean during the autumn
- 葉綠素a/bchlorophyll a/b
- 葉綠素a含量chlorophyll - a content
- 葉綠素a濃度chlorophyll-a concentration
- 葉綠素a熒光chlorophyll a fluorescence
- 葉綠素a標樣standard sample of chlorophyll a
- 葉綠素a/b值Ratio of chlorophyll a/b
- 2002年和2003年夏季波弗特海海冰葉綠素a和小型生物的研究The sea ice chlorophyll a and meiofauna of the arctic Beaufort Sea in summers of 2002 and 2003
- 葉綠素a去除率chlorophyll ( a ) -removal rate
- 海表葉綠素a濃度chlorophyll-a concentration
- 葉綠素a熒光參數Chlorophyll a fluorescence parameter
- 粒徑分級葉綠素asize-fractionated chlorophyll a