- 可調式窄V帶變速器An Adjustable Speed Transmission with Narrow V-strap
- 窄V帶V narrow-band
- 不帶變速器Do not bring the transmission gearbox
- 窄V帶傳動(dòng)系統可靠性分析與設計Reliability analysis and design of the narrow V-type belt drive system
- 噴口采可調式設計,對任何零件機板,均能作“完全錫焊”。And it can make full soldering on any parts and boards by applying adjusted design on the height of spout.
- 手啟動(dòng)帶變速器Hand start with a gear shift
- 2個(gè)可調式玻璃擱板;可根據您個(gè)人的儲物需要調節間距。2 Adjustable glass shelves; adjust spacing according to your own storage needs.
- 窄V型發(fā)動(dòng)機narrow V-engine
- 速度-轉矩控制橡膠V-帶變速器設計新方法A New Approach to the Design of A Speed-Torque-Controlled Rubber V-Belt Variator
- 可調式中空人工椎體置換緩解脊柱轉移性腫瘤疼痛及恢復脊髓功能障礙的觀(guān)察Improvement of pain and recuperation of spinal dysfunction by replacement with adjustable hollow artificial vertebral body in patients with metastasis of spine
- 窄V型皮帶用槽輪Grooved pulleys for narrow V-belts
- 可調式方向盤(pán)可以根據作業(yè)環(huán)境狀況,操作者體形作出調整,長(cháng)時(shí)工作也不會(huì )疲勞。Based on the status of the working circumstance and the operator's figure, the adjustable steering wheel can adjust itself to support the operator working for long time without any tiredness.
- 動(dòng)力傳動(dòng)元件。窄V形帶三角皮帶輪。尺寸、材料Power transmission elements; grooved pulleys for narrow V-belts; dimensions, materials
- 可調式熱泵adjustable heat pump
- 可調式汽封adjustable steam seal gland
- 可調式水槍adjustable nozzle
- 可調式軸流泵;Propeller pump with adjustable or variable pitch blades;
- 可調式刀具flexible
- 可調式空調adjustable climate control
- 可調式口腔矯治器治療阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停綜合癥的臨床研究Adjustable oral appliance therapy for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome