- 原癌基因蛋白Pproto-oncogene protein
- 原癌基因蛋白protooncoprotein
- 原癌基因蛋白c-kit/分析proto-oncogen proteins c-kit/analysis
- 封閉負壓引流技術(shù)對創(chuàng )面愈合過(guò)程中原癌基因表達的影響Effect of vacuum-assisted closure on the expression of proto-oncogenes and its significance during wound healing
- 胃粘膜癌前病變中幽門(mén)螺桿菌與c-met原癌基因蛋白表達關(guān)系的研究The Relationship Between Helicobacter Pylori and Expression of c-met Oncogene in Gastric Precancerous Lesions
- 大鼠衰老過(guò)程中腦細胞DNA與c-Ha-ras原癌基因的甲基化Methylation of Genomic DNA and Proto-oncogene c-Ha-ras in Brain Nuclei of Ageing Rats
- 癌基因蛋白p21Oncogene protein p21
- RET原癌基因RET proto-oncogene
- 三種癌基因蛋白產(chǎn)物在結腸癌的表達及意義Three oncoproteins exprcssion in colon cancer and its significance
- ?;撬釋δI性高血壓大鼠肥厚心肌原癌基因c-fos表達的影響Effects of taurine on expression of proto-oncogene c-fos in left ventricular hypertrophy in renovascular hypertensive rats
- 細胞原癌基因cellular proto-oncogene; conc.
- 高壓鍋抗原修復與否癌基因蛋白表達的對比定量分析Controlling quantitative analysis on oncogene protein expression with or without antigen retrieval by pressure cooker
- 原癌基因c-fosproto-oncogene c-fos
- 慢性食管炎和食管癌旁粘膜上皮癌基因蛋白表達的比較A Comparative Study of Oncogene Protein Expression in Mucosa Epithelia of Chronic Esophagitis and Para-cancer
- 三七對胃癌前病變大鼠胃粘膜癌基因蛋白異常表達的影響Effects of the Root of Panax Notoginseng on the Abnormal Expressions of Oncogene Proteins in Gastric Mucosa in the Rats with Precancerous Lesions
- 原癌基因fosC-fos
- 抑癌基因蛋白表達與前列腺癌臨床病理特征和轉移的關(guān)系Correlation between tumor suppressor gene expression and clinical pathologic character and metastasis in prostatic cancer
- 原癌基因mycC-myc
- MET原癌基因MET proto-oncogene
- 幽門(mén)螺桿菌及其cagA因子對胃粘膜中原癌基因蛋白表達的影響The effect of the Helicobacter pylori and its cagA factor in the expression of proto-oncoprotein in the gastric mucosa