- 十個(gè)步驟學(xué)習CSS的定位Learn CSS Positioning in Ten Steps
- 如果你不愿屬于那90%,我向你建議采取十個(gè)步驟來(lái)喚醒你的理財天賦。"If you are not one of the masses, I offer you the following ten steps to awaken your financial genius. "
- 簡(jiǎn)化資料及分開(kāi)步驟學(xué)習和記憶:如每次只學(xué)習太極拳的其中一招。Simplify information and remember them one by one, e. G. Learning Tai Chi one step at a time.
- "往里走," 開(kāi)電梯的工人高聲說(shuō),"這電梯可載十個(gè)人。""Pass along, there, " cried the lift-man. "There is room for ten."
- 在今后幾年中可能會(huì )有十個(gè)不同的研究小組從事該項目的工作。In the next several year there can be10 different research group work on the project.
- 此外,"切弗倫"案的第二個(gè)步驟準許推翻機關(guān)的"不合理的"解釋。Moreover, the second step of the Chevron test allows reversal of an agency interpretation that is "unreasonable."
- 許多人可能并不滿(mǎn)足于我說(shuō)的這十個(gè)步驟,他們把這些步驟更多地看成是一種思想而不是行動(dòng)。Many people may not be satisfied with my ten steps. They see them more as philosophies than actions.
- 刑事案件中精神損害的定位與救濟Determination and Remedy of Mental Injury in Criminal Case
- "他這個(gè)星期脾氣很不好。" "是呀,不過(guò)請注意,他最近病得很厲害呢。""He has been very bad-tempered this week." "Yes, but mind you, he's been rather ill just recently."
- "學(xué)習在5分鐘內畫(huà)一匹美麗的馬花了我一年多的時(shí)間," 藝術(shù)家說(shuō)"It take me more than a year to learn to draw a beautiful horse in five minute, " the artist say.
- "你砸壞的鎖得花七鎊去換一個(gè)新的。" "去你媽的!" 我對他伸了伸兩個(gè)指頭說(shuō)道。"And there'll be seven pounds for replacing the lock you broke." "Up yours!" I said, giving him two fingers.
- 進(jìn)入小學(xué)學(xué)習后的兒童對悲傷情緒判斷正確率迅速提高。in emotion judgement,the accuracy rate in happiness was higher than in sadness for preschool children;
- 很難說(shuō)這十個(gè)步驟中哪一個(gè)最重要,但對于所有這些步驟來(lái)說(shuō),這個(gè)步驟是最難以掌握的,如果它不是你習慣于去做的事情的話(huà)。"It is difficult to say which of the ten steps is the most important. But of all the steps, this step is probably the most difficult to master if it is not already a part of your makeup. "
- 如果你不認真自己并且開(kāi)始學(xué)習,你這門(mén)課題是不通過(guò)的。If you don't get wise to yourself and start studying you will fail the course.
- "你的律師應該告訴你犯了個(gè)大錯誤。" "他告訴我了。他說(shuō)是對的,但我認為我比他更清楚。"Your lawyer should have told you you were making a big mistake." "He did, and he never said a truer word. But I thought I knew better."
- 根據參數生成數值柵格要素,它具有指定的范圍大小和數值,并輸入轉換流程。NumericRasterCreator Creates a feature with a raster of the specified size with a numeric value using the parameters supplied, and sends it into the workspace for processing.
- 每個(gè)人都必須學(xué)習,對馬克思主義懂得較多的人也不例外。Everybody must study, not excepting those who have a better grasp of Marxism.
- 如果兩屆能夠實(shí)現,就要十年,那時(shí)我們在座的有幾個(gè)還在?If they were to be abolished after two Party congresses -- that is,in 10 years'time -- how many of us here today would still be around?
- 學(xué)校教育的最大用處,與其說(shuō)是教你事物,不如說(shuō)是教你學(xué)習的方法。The great use of a school education is not so much to teach you things as to teach you the art of learning.