- 醫源性L(fǎng)utembacher綜合征iatrogenic Lutembacher' s syndrome
- 亮氨酸增多癥中的醫源性腸病性肢端皮炎樣綜合征(法語(yǔ))Iatrogenic acrodermatitis enteropathica-like syndrome in leucinosis (Fren)
- 1例Lutembacher綜合征患者,超聲心動(dòng)圖測量二尖瓣瓣口面積分別由二尖瓣球囊擴張術(shù)前1.0 cm2增加到術(shù)后2.1 cm2。For 1 case of Lutembacher syndrome, mitral valve area increased from 1.0 to 2.1 cm2.Durring 1 week to 6 months follow up,no residual shut and dislocation of the devices were found by TTE.
- 醫源性柯興綜合征iatrogenic Cushing syndrome
- 醫源性iatrogenic
- 前列腺熱療后醫源性射精管梗阻的診斷與治療(附3例報告)Diagnosis and Treatment of Iatrogenic Ejaculatory Duct Obstruction Following Prostatic Hyperthermia( Report of 3 Cases)
- 內源性endogenous
- 醫源性的iatrogenic; paratherapeutic
- 內源性分泌endogenous excretion
- 心源性Cardiogenic
- 牙源性odontogenic
- 內源性的endogenic
- 牛源性bovine derived
- 頸源性cervical
- 溶源性lysogenesis
- 食源性food-borne
- 外源性Cexternal source C
- 內源性阿片endogenous opiate
- 異源性heterologous
- 多源性polyphyly