- 勘探數據庫COMexploration database
- 勘探數據庫exploration database
- 主數據庫master data base
- 地質(zhì)勘探geological exploration
- 他們那時(shí)正在沙漠中勘探石油。There were prospecting for oil in the desert.
- 基于COM組件ADO數據庫接口Interface of ADO Data Access Based on COM
- com緊core compact
- 地震勘探seismic prospecting
- 最常用的數據庫系統dbase
- 異步COMasynchronous COM
- 數據庫系統原理Principles of Database System
- COM模塊component object model (COM module)
- 地下勘探坑道exploratory tunnel
- COM組件COM component
- 勘探寶藏to explore for treasure
- 只有授權的管理員才可以訪(fǎng)問(wèn)此數據庫。This database is only accessible by the authorized manager.
- COM技術(shù)COM
- 勘探礦藏to prospect a mine
- 阿波羅數據庫Apollo Data Bank
- 一些地質(zhì)學(xué)家在此勘探石油。Some geologists are prospecting for oil here.