- 加拿大BC省Canada
- 加拿大(BC?。?/a>Canada (BC)
- 加拿大BC省森林生長(cháng)與收獲調查A Survey on the Forest Growth and Harvest in BC Province of Canada
- 加拿大BC省確定年允許采伐量的基本程序和方法Methods and Procedures of Allowable Annual Cut Determination in British Columbia
- 省錢(qián)be economical
- 缺省default
- 省的provincial
- 遙感、地理信息系統和全球定位系統在加拿大BC省森林資源調查中的應用Application of Remote Sensing, Geographic informationSystem, and Global Positioning System in British ColumbiaNatural Resources Inventory
- 自省introspectiveness
- 加拿大和美國是鄰邦。Canada and the United States are neighbors.
- 省電power saving
- 各省each province
- 省時(shí)timesaving
- 外省other provinces
- 省時(shí)間save time
- 省油fuel-efficient
- 省得(so as to) save
- 省道provincial highway
- 那省的大部分地區地勢平坦。Most of the province is as flat as a pancake.
- 跨省transprovincially