- 更多more
- 分布式多Agentdistributed multi-agent
- 多multi-
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- Windows NT 環(huán)境下物流系統分布式多線(xiàn)程管理與調度的研究Study on Management and Scheduling with Distributed and Multi?threaded Architecture for MHS under Windows NT
- 多個(gè)multi-
- 更多的added
- 太多tanto
- 好多(adj) many
- 多年many years
- 多云cloudy
- 那么多tanto
- 多大how big
- 分布式多線(xiàn)程并行處理技術(shù)在大規?;瘜W(xué)結構檢索數據庫系統中的應用The application of multithreading parallel and distributed computing in large-scale chemical structure searching database
- 最多的most
- 過(guò)多excessive
- 越來(lái)越多more and more
- 多年來(lái)for the past many years
- 多的creber
- 越來(lái)越多的increasing