- 冬青生菌素ilicicolin
- 冬青生菌素 Hilicicolin H
- 冬青生菌素HIlicicolin H
- 中生菌素Zhongshengrnycin
- 鐮生菌素fusamarin
- 頭孢菌素cephalosporin
- 生菌散Trichoderma
- 競生菌antagonists
- 菌素rhzomorph
- 專(zhuān)性腐生菌obligate saprophyte
- 阿維菌素abamectin
- 益生菌probiotics
- 粘菌素M,粘菌素甲烷,可立斯J-M, 磺粘菌素,可利菌素Methacolimycin
- 促生菌PGPR
- 附生菌epiphytic bacteria
- 不同膳食中大豆低聚糖對腸道益生菌及短鏈脂肪酸的影響Effect of Soybean Oligosaccharides on Intestinal Probiotics and Short-chain Fatty Acids Under Different Dietary Model
- 益生菌預防嬰幼兒抗生素相關(guān)性腹瀉及對腸道菌群的影響Probiotics in prevention of antibiotic associated diarrhoea and intestinal microflora analysis in children
- 粘古生菌myxoarchimyces
- 益生菌粉Y.S Coprinus ovatus
- 內生菌株endophytic bacterial controlled effect