- 1環(huán)的若干性質(zhì)Some Properties of duo QF-1 Rings
- 關(guān)于QF環(huán)的一個(gè)新刻畫(huà)ON A NEW CHARACTERIZATION OF QF RINGS
- QF-1環(huán)QF-1 rings
- 關(guān)于QF-1環(huán)的若干性質(zhì)Some Properties of QF-1 Ring
- 本文通過(guò)兩個(gè)引理,討論了具有Sym(S)=Aut(S)條件的半群的若干性質(zhì).In this paper,we study the semigroups satisfying the cendition for Sym(S)=Aut(S) and we give some characteristic properties.
- AMD患者總體 ERG的 a波、b波振幅在正常范圍內 ,而 1環(huán)及 2環(huán) a波、b波振幅下降。In AMD patients the overall amplitudes were normal,while aA and bA of macular responses were diminished.
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- 幻日,假日有時(shí)出現在太陽(yáng)旁邊的一個(gè)常常形成光亮的環(huán)的明亮光斑A bright spot sometimes appearing on either side of the sun, often on a luminous ring or halo.
- 外代數與外微分的若干性質(zhì)及其應用Some characteristics and its applications of the exterior derivative and exterior algebra
- 子彈帶戰士斜掛胸前的用來(lái)裝子彈的有許多小口袋或環(huán)的帶子A belt fitted with small pockets or loops for carrying cartridges and worn across the chest by soldiers.
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- 關(guān)于正則環(huán)的理想On Ideals of Regular Rings
- 關(guān)于NBUE壽命分布類(lèi)的若干性質(zhì)(英文)Some Properties on NBUE Class of Life Distributions
- 試件浸透水后,便裝入一個(gè)專(zhuān)用的O形封閉環(huán)的容器的下半部中。After saturation the specimen is fitted into the lower half of a special cell, being sealed by O-Rings.
- 關(guān)于模糊拓撲環(huán)的直積On the Direct Product of Fuzzy Topological Rings
- 關(guān)于半連續函數若干性質(zhì)On Several Characters of Semi-Continuous Function
- 大學(xué)、產(chǎn)業(yè)和社會(huì )的共贏(yíng)--規劃建設"東方大學(xué)城"的若干思考University, Industry and Society will Win Together--Some Considerations on Planning and Constructing the "Oriental University City"
- 關(guān)于環(huán)的穩定度一個(gè)注記A note on stable ranges of rings
- 摘要本文獲得了一類(lèi)中立型偏微分方程系統解振動(dòng)的若干充分條件。In this paper, some sufficient conditions are obtained for the oscillation solutions of systems with high order partial differential equations of neutral type.