- 關(guān)于McClintock和Irwin修正On the Correction by McCiintock and Irwin
- 2004年諾貝爾化學(xué)獎授予Aaron Ciechanover, Avram Hershko和Irwin Rose三位科學(xué)家,以表彰他們在上世紀80年代發(fā)現了泛素介導的蛋白質(zhì)降解過(guò)程。The Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2004 was awarded to Aaron Ciechanover, Avram Hershko and Irwin Rose, for their discovery of the ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation (proteolysis).
- 基于Irwin假設的裂紋尖端張開(kāi)位移的修正計算The Correction Formula of Crack OPening Displacement Based on Irwin Hypothesis
- (道德方面)促進(jìn),提高,社會(huì )進(jìn)步提高社會(huì ),道德和智力標準的努力或運動(dòng)An effort or a movement to improve social, moral, or intellectual standards.
- 全面實(shí)施以德育為核心、以創(chuàng )新精神和實(shí)踐能力為重點(diǎn)的素質(zhì)教育Carry on the quality education centering on moral education and emphasizing creativity and practice
- 讓溫馨的祝愿、幸福的思念和友好的祝福,在圣誕佳節來(lái)到你身邊,伴你左右。May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at Christmas and stay with you all the year through.
- 他看過(guò)許多關(guān)于這一方面的書(shū)。He has read many books on the subject.
- [諺]只有傻瓜和騙子才同別人打賭。None but fools and knaves lay wagers.
- 關(guān)于委托貸款核算的修正On revising of Commission Loan Accounting
- 針對這一問(wèn)題,杜魯門(mén)總統要求國會(huì )向希臘和土耳其提供4億美元的資金。President Truman met the problem by asking Congress for400 million dollars to aid Greece and Turkey.
- 我認為有必要修正一下。I feel it necessary to make a correction.
- 正如我們所知道的,物質(zhì)隨著(zhù)溫度的增加和減少而膨脹和收縮。As we know, materials expand and contract with the increase and decrease of temperature.
- 本人畢業(yè)于北京外國語(yǔ)大學(xué),在校期間曾獲得獎學(xué)金和演講比賽冠軍?! ?/a>I am a graduate of Beijing Foreign Studies University.I won a scholarship and the first prize in speech contest in the University.
- 關(guān)于木材需求曲線(xiàn)修正法的討論Discussion on Timber Demand Curve Mend Method
- 敵人的狂轟濫炸在這個(gè)國家造成了空前的死亡和破壞。The enemy mad bombardment caused unprecedented death and destruction in the country.
- 關(guān)于范德瓦爾斯方程修正項的新探索Research of the Additional Term in Van der Waals's Equation
- 保持清醒頭腦,增強憂(yōu)患意識和歷史責任感remain sober-minded, become more aware of potential problems and enhance our sense of historical responsibility
- 如果這樣的話(huà),你的觀(guān)點(diǎn)一定會(huì )和他的起沖突。If so, your points of view are bound to conflict with his.
- 6位婦女和19位男的組成了這個(gè)委員會(huì )。Six women and nineteen men make up the committee.
- 關(guān)于結合能公式的一種改進(jìn)方法與普適的修正公式A Method of Improving the Formula of Binding Energy and Its Universal Revised Formula