- 關(guān)于MBO的思考Thinking on MBO
- 對當前經(jīng)濟形勢下國內實(shí)施MBO的理性思考Rational Considering of Carrying out MBO in China Under Current Economic Circumstances
- 上市公司實(shí)施MBO的實(shí)證分析Empirical Analysis of Listed Companies'MBO
- 上市公司隱性MBO的四大類(lèi)型Four Types of Listed Companies'Recessive MBO
- 思考think
- 我國企業(yè)實(shí)施MBO的障礙及對策Obstacles of and Countermeasures for Chinese Enterprises'Implementation of MBO
- 企業(yè)風(fēng)險管理框架下對企業(yè)內部會(huì )計控制基本規范的思考Reflections on the General Principles of the Internal Accounting Control Based on the Enterprise Risk Management Frameworks
- 淺析上市公司曲線(xiàn)MBO的問(wèn)題及對策Brief Analysis on the Existing Problem and Countermeasure of the Curved MBO in Public Company
- 關(guān)于法治的思考Thoughts on Ruling by Law
- 部門(mén)經(jīng)營(yíng)者收購:推行MBO的一種現實(shí)選擇Management Buyout of Division: A Realistic Choice to Promote the MBO
- "教與數學(xué)對應"原理的實(shí)踐--對"函數單調性"教學(xué)設計的思考Practice in "Correspondence of Teaching and Math Principle"--Thinking on the Practical Plan of "the Monotony of Function"
- 關(guān)于治水思路的思考Discussion on train of thought for harnessing water
- 關(guān)于審判獨立的思考On the Independence of Trial
- 示范區創(chuàng )建活動(dòng)與社區衛生服務(wù)長(cháng)效機制的建立和可持續發(fā)展對策的思考Thought about Demonstration Zone Building, Long-Acting Mechanism of Community Health Services and Sustainable Development Approach
- 關(guān)于滑稽和笑的思考Thought on Farcicality and Laughter
- 關(guān)于用人導向的思考Thoughts on the Leading-to of Using People for Job
- 關(guān)于竇娥悲劇的思考Reflection on Dou E's Tragedy
- 關(guān)于家庭網(wǎng)關(guān)的思考The Thinking About Home Gateway
- 關(guān)于低價(jià)競標的思考Deliberation on low quotation competitive bidding
- 關(guān)于人生觀(guān)問(wèn)題的思考Thinking about Outlook on Life