- 關(guān)于A(yíng)IXTCP/IP的探討A Study of AIX TCP/IP
- 探討probe
- 關(guān)于確?;綐悠分形⒘拷鸬姆治鲮`敏度和準確度的探討Discuss about the Analyse Sensitivity and the Precisions of Trace Gold in the Samples
- 關(guān)于玻璃熱管的探討Discussion on Heat Tube made of Glass
- 殼聚糖復方制劑對脂肪肝大鼠的治療作用及其機制的探討Therapeutic effect and mechanisms of chitosan compound on rats of experimental fatty liver
- 關(guān)于消除反應的探討On the exploration of eliminate rection in organic chemistry
- IP城域網(wǎng)骨干網(wǎng)建設方案的探討Discussion on Construction solutions of the Backbone of IP Metropolitan Area Network
- 神經(jīng)行為功能作為慢性甲苯、二甲苯中毒診斷篩選指標的探討Study on the possibility of nervous-behavioral function as a screening index in diagnosis of chronic toluene and xylene poisoning
- 關(guān)于能帶理論的探討The study about the theory of energy bands
- 寬帶IP城域網(wǎng)組網(wǎng)技術(shù)的探討Probing into Networking Technology of Broadband IP MAN
- 鄰苯三酚自氧化法測定血清超氧化物歧化酶變異因素的探討和控制Study of variance control in assay of serum superoxide dismutase by pyrogallol autoxidation method
- 關(guān)于解酒中藥的探討Study on the Chinese Herbal Medicine for Resolving Drunkenness
- 應該在總結前人研究的基礎上,對這一問(wèn)題進(jìn)行較為詳細的探討。However, the impacts of Christianity on the Hakka people from the macroscopic angle are not paid more attention.
- 關(guān)于最大聲壓級的探討Discussion on Maximum Sound Pressure Level
- 關(guān)于群中元的階的探討Discussion on the Order of an Element in Group
- 關(guān)于環(huán)境會(huì )計的探討On Environmental Accounting
- 關(guān)于開(kāi)征教育稅的探討Research on the levying of Education Tax in China
- 關(guān)于專(zhuān)家系統的探討The discussion about expert system
- 關(guān)于船舶抗大風(fēng)浪的探討Discussing How a Ship Resists Billows