- 公路RTK測量RTK measure in highway
- GAK-1型陀螺經(jīng)緯儀與雙頻RTK測量系統在平面控制網(wǎng)中的應用Application of GAK- 1 gimbal surveyor's transit and double frequency RTK survey system in plane control net
- GPS-RTK測量技術(shù)GPS-RTK measurement technique
- 城市平面基本控制網(wǎng)RTK測量的精度分析與技術(shù)指標設計Accuracy analysis and technical index design of the city basic control network survey by RTK
- RTK測量RTK surveying
- GPS-RTK測量系統GPS-RTK surveying system
- 新公路使旅程縮短了。The new highway shortens the trip.
- 城外的公路有一段陡坡。There was a steep climb on the road out of town.
- 公路被車(chē)輛堵塞。The highway was congested with cars.
- 汽車(chē)沿公路疾馳。The car ripped along the highway.
- 標準的千克是測量質(zhì)量的量度The standard kilogram is maintained as a measure of mass.
- 摩托車(chē)手們沿著(zhù)公路飛馳而去。The motorcyclists rammed down the highway.
- 測量懸崖的高度to measure the cliff
- 大卡車(chē)從公路上轟隆隆地開(kāi)過(guò)去。Trucks thundered down the highway.
- 血氧定量?jì)x用來(lái)測量動(dòng)脈血氧和度的儀器A device for measuring the oxygen saturation of arterial blood.
- 汽車(chē)在公路上疾駛而去。The car streaked down the highway.
- 測量臀部時(shí)選取的最長(cháng)的線(xiàn)。the line formed by measuring the hip at its greatest part.
- 這條狹窄的公路應該加寬。This narrow highway should be broadened.
- 公路向右轉彎。The road bends to the right.
- 一條四車(chē)道的公路連接這兩個(gè)城市。A four-lane highway connects the two cities.