- 公路網(wǎng)0Dhighway OD matrix
- 公路網(wǎng)road network
- 應用最小二乘法進(jìn)行公路網(wǎng)規劃中社會(huì )經(jīng)濟及運輸量預測Using Method of Least Squares to Forecast Social Economy and Traffic Volume
- 主成分分析法在公路網(wǎng)節點(diǎn)重要度指標權重分析中的應用Application of Principal Component Analysis Method in Calculating the Weights of the Indexes of the Highway Nodes'Importance
- "重要度--交通區位"布局法在城鄉公路網(wǎng)規劃布局中的應用Application of the Theory "Important Degree-Traffic Location" Method on the Urban-Rural Integration Highway Network Planning
- 公路網(wǎng)交通研究方法的新探索--電路分析理論的引入與實(shí)證New Quest for Research Method of Highway Net Traffic--Electric Circuit Analytic Theory Introduced with Demonstration
- 縣道公路網(wǎng)county road net
- 公路網(wǎng)規劃highway network planning
- 區域公路網(wǎng)regional highway network
- 公路網(wǎng)安全highway network safety
- 公路網(wǎng)規模highway networks
- 公路網(wǎng)節點(diǎn)highway nodes
- 公路網(wǎng)布局highway network layout
- 公路網(wǎng)現狀highway network status
- 農村公路網(wǎng)rural highway network
- 數字公路網(wǎng)Digital highway network
- 公路網(wǎng)評價(jià)Highway network evaluation
- 公路網(wǎng)優(yōu)先Highway-priority
- 公路網(wǎng)約束road networks constraint
- 鄉鎮公路網(wǎng)town road networks