- 語(yǔ)音短時(shí)分析的譜誤差及其全相位DFT譜研究Study on the errors in short time spectrum analysis of speech signal and the all phase DFT spectrum
- 全相位DFTall-phase DFT
- 全相位DFT數字濾波器all-phase DFT digital filter
- 基于全相位離散傅里葉變換(DFT)數字濾波器的直接頻域實(shí)現網(wǎng)絡(luò )結構,對輸入或輸出數據加窗,導出了一種新型的加窗全相位DFT數字濾波器.Based on the architecture of the all phase discrete Fourier transform (APDFT) digital filter, a new type of zero-phase digital filter called the windowed all phase DFT (WAPDFT) digital filter is brought out by windowing the input and/or output data of the DFT/IDFT blocks in the APDFT filter network.
- 此外,為進(jìn)一步提高語(yǔ)音短時(shí)譜的分析質(zhì)量,還給出了一種計算語(yǔ)音短時(shí)全相位DFT譜的方法,并通過(guò)計算機仿真驗證了該方法的譜分析性能。Furthermore, this paper introduced the all phase DFT spectrum analysis and tested its good performance in improving the resolution of spectrum in speech signal analysis.
- 他們把她的聲譽(yù)全毀了。They have torn her reputation to shreds.
- 全相位反余弦雙正交變換(APIDCBT)all phase biorthogonal inverse discrete cosine transform (APIDCBT)
- 全排集合點(diǎn)名。The platoon mustered for roll call.
- 全食堂的人都突然笑了起來(lái)。The whole mess burst out laughing.
- PAL相位識別脈沖p-pulse
- 全明星all-star
- 這本書(shū)全是胡扯。The book is all rubbish.
- 這樣的全才是很難得的。Such a universal genius is hard to come by.
- 基于DFT相位的正弦波頻率和初相的高精度估計方法High-Accuracy Frequency and Phase Estimation of Single-Tone Based on Phase of DFT
- 足球隊大獲全勝。The football team achieved a complete triumph.
- 在這個(gè)國家土地全屬?lài)小?/a>All the land belongs to the state in this country.
- 他一口便把藥全吞下了。He downed the medicine at one swallow.
- 這個(gè)水庫為全城供水。This reservoir supplies the entire city with water.
- 靶子上全是子彈打穿的孔。The target was perforated by bullets.
- 他衣服上全是灰塵。His clothes were covered with dust.