- 兔病毒性出血癥與多殺性巴氏桿菌病二聯(lián)滅活苗生產(chǎn)菌保存期試驗Storage life of the strains used to prepare the inactivated bivalent vaccine against rabbit haemorrhagic disease and pasteurella multocida
- 兔病毒性出血癥病毒Rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus
- 兔病毒性出血癥研究進(jìn)展Progress in Research of Rabbit hemorrhagic disease
- 兔病毒性出血癥(RHD)rabbit hemorrhagic disease (RHD)
- 兔病毒性出血癥的診治與體會(huì )Diagnosis and treatment of Rabbit viral haemorrhagic disease
- 兔病毒性出血癥并發(fā)李氏桿菌病的診治Diagnosis and cure to rabbit viral hemorrhagic disease complicating with listeriosis
- 引進(jìn)種兔發(fā)生兔病毒性出血癥的診斷及預防Diagnose and Prevention of Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease in Introduce Rabbit
- 阿爾茨海默病Alzheimer's disease
- 安哥拉兔Angora rabbit
- "別繼續以這種節奏節生活:你會(huì )得神經(jīng)衰弱癥的。""Don't carry on living this pace: You'll wind up with a nervous breakdown"
- "他這個(gè)星期脾氣很不好。" "是呀,不過(guò)請注意,他最近病得很厲害呢。""He has been very bad-tempered this week." "Yes, but mind you, he's been rather ill just recently."
- 有病的莖往往潰爛。Blighted stems often canker.
- 中毒性表皮壞死松解癥患者的護理體會(huì )Nursing of Patients with Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis Syndrome
- 他是一個(gè)多病的人。He was a sickly man.
- 癌血癥carcinemia
- 上星期大部分學(xué)生病了。A large proportion of the students were sick last week.
- 矮呆癥cretinism
- 醫師診斷他的病為瘧疾。The doctor diagnosed his illness as malaria.
- 矮小癥dwarfism
- 醫生治不了這種病。The doctors were not able to treat this disease.