- 兒童頭顱CT掃描的防護Radiation prevention for head CT scan in children
- 兒童頭顱CT掃描條件選擇The selection of scan factor about CT of children skull
- 掃描scan
- 新生兒頭顱CT掃描100例經(jīng)驗總結Experiment of Craniocerebral CT Scan for 100 Neborns
- 方法:觀(guān)察12例病人的臨床表 現,并作頭顱CT/MRI檢查。Methods: Observed the clinical manifestations in 12 cases and had examinations of CT or MRI of skull.
- 胃癌雙期動(dòng)態(tài)CT掃描的影像表現及其對腫瘤檢出、大體分型的價(jià)值Two-phase dynamic CT findings of gastric carcinoma and its value for tumor detection and gross classification
- 窒息新生兒頭顱CT檢查和末梢血LDHi活性測定對腦損傷程度和預后的判斷Head CT and LDHi in Blood of Suffication Newborn Infants on Judgement of Brain Damage and Progress
- 在百慕大三角區域發(fā)生的現象-來(lái)自人造衛星掃描的熾熱的‘白水'和熾熱的綠霧。Phenomena noted in the area of the Bermuda Triangle - a glowing 'white water' scanned from satellites and a glowing green fog.
- 鼻竇低劑量螺旋CT掃描的可行性探討Exploration of the feasibility of low-dose spiral CT scanning of paranasal sinus
- 13例患者中 ,頭顱CT檢查僅 1例報告橋小腦角及鞍上池膽脂瘤 ;Only 1 case of Cholesteatoma in cerebellopontine and suprasellar cistern was detected with cranial CT scans among 13 patients.
- 他的嘴巴上方有一道傷痕,但斷層掃描的結果顯示沒(méi)有大礙.He had a cut above his mouth yesterday but said a CT scan was negative.
- 頭顱CT定位圍針?lè )▽δX卒中恢復期患者伴隨癥狀及血液流變學(xué)的影響Effect of CT localization needing around the lesion area at skull on the concomitant symptoms and hemorheological changes in stroke patients during restoration period
- 低劑量CT掃描對嬰幼兒顱腦病變的診斷與防護價(jià)值Diagnosis and radioprotection with low dose CT scanning in infant and child's intracranial disease
- 頭顱CT診斷子癇三例報道Three cases report of eclampsia diagnosed by skull CT
- CT掃描對兒童腺樣體增生肥大的診斷意義Diagnosing Adenoidal hypertrophy by CT Coronal scans
- 高危新生兒的頭顱CT分析Head CT Analysis of high-risk newborn infants
- 應用高壓注射器CT增強掃描的護理Nursing care of CT enhancement scans with high pressure injector
- 高危新生兒頭顱CT表現(附41例分析)Head CT features of high-risk newborn infants
- X-CT掃描X-CT scanning
- 64層螺旋CT顳骨低劑量掃描的初步研究The study of temporal bone scanning at low-dose with 64-slice spiral CT