- 修正Chirplet分解MACD
- 修正自適應Chirplet分解Modified adaptive chirplet decomposition
- Chirplet分解Chirplet decomposition
- 自適應Chirplet分解adaptive Chirplet decomposition
- 我認為有必要修正一下。I feel it necessary to make a correction.
- 一些化學(xué)化合物可以通過(guò)加熱分解。Some chemical compounds can be resolved by heat.
- 自動(dòng)修正self-correcting
- 石油在一定壓力下加熱分解。Oil is cracked by heating under pressure.
- 你的計劃需要作些修正。Your plan needs some amendment.
- 等離子體的分解disassembly of the plasma
- 上院投票對議案進(jìn)行修正。The lord vote to amend the bill.
- 三棱鏡將光分解成顏色紛呈的光譜。The prism resolved the light into the colors of the spectrum.
- 我們把脂肪分解為甘油和脂肪酸。We split a fat into glycerol and fatty acids.
- 他們決定修正這條議案。They decided to amend the bill.
- 分餾, 分解蒸餾(法)fractional distillation
- 把方向盤(pán)往右邊轉轉,好修正駕駛上的偏差。Turn the wheel to the right to correct the steering.
- 棱鏡分解光。A prism decomposes light.
- 作一次臨時(shí)性的修正。To make an improvised modification.
- 把...分解成analyse into
- 奧米伽天波修正表Omega sky wave correction table