- 供電IC卡運用中的隱憂(yōu)Hidden Trouble in Using Power Supply IC Card
- 中的mesne
- 遠距離高頻無(wú)源射頻IC卡讀寫(xiě)系統中雙相間隔碼的編解碼方法A Coding- Decoding Method for Bi- phase Space Coding in Far Distance High Frequency Non- energy RFID IC Read- write System
- 增長(cháng)中的隱憂(yōu)Worries in the Development
- 非接觸式IC卡在高速公路中的應用研究Research and Application of Contactless IC Cards in Expressway
- 除了以上的隱憂(yōu)之外,還有一點(diǎn)叫人擔憂(yōu):“晚晴園熱”能維持多久?Singaporeans have a habit of getting tired of the old as soon as they take a fancy to something new. We need to ponder the question of whether interest in the memorial hall can be sustained.
- 皮帶機供料線(xiàn)在龍灘水電工程運用中存在的問(wèn)題和解決措施Problems of Belt Conveyer Material Supply Line for Longtan Hydropower Project and Corresponding Solutions
- 世界糧食儲備的隱憂(yōu)The world food reserve crisis
- IC卡的個(gè)人導向功能在城市軌道交通中的應用Utilizing the Personal Guidance Functions of IC Cards in Urban Rail Transit
- 雙作用常接觸滾子旁承在貨車(chē)轉向架運用中存在的問(wèn)題及建議Issues of using double action constant-contact roller side bearings on freight car bogies and suggestions
- 浮華背后的隱憂(yōu)--北京商品混凝土市場(chǎng)以及設備購買(mǎi)、使用情況調查報告Risks behind Prosperity--Research on Concrete Equipment Purchase and Market in Beijing
- 參展商均憑交易會(huì )IC卡在展館出入和消費(如電話(huà)、餐飲、復印等)。Participants will use the Fair IC card for entering and exiting the Exhibition Hall as well as for other needs (eg. phone calls, food and beverages, copying).
- 論語(yǔ)言習得和運用中的套語(yǔ)Formulaic Speech in Language Acquisition and Performance
- 銀行IC卡bank IC card
- 債權代位權制度在實(shí)踐運用中的思考Reflections on the system of creditor's rights subrogation in the course of the practice
- 現在IC卡電話(huà)已投入使用。Now IC card telephones have come into use.
- 那個(gè)候選人自從最近作了一次講演以后在公眾心目中的地位提高了。That candidate has come up in the public opinion since his last speech.
- 接觸式IC卡contact intelligent card
- 淺談謹慎性原則在實(shí)際運用中的保證General Discussion on Guarantee of Prudence Principle in Practical Application
- 分布式IC卡distributed IC card